
píng yī
  • Pingyi;suppress and unify;quell rebellions
平一 [píng yī]
  • [quell rebellions] 平定统一

  • 平一宇内

平一[píng yī]
  1. 秦始皇平一宇内。

    The emperor of Qin quenched numerous uprisings and unified the whole of china .

  2. 平一矿己一采区远控反风系统的研究

    Research on remote control reversing air system in Pingyi coal mine

  3. 那条路太陡了,从这把它铲平一点。

    The path is too steep , level it down from here .

  4. 平一立式铣床,用于金属加工,非数字控制式

    Horizontal-vertical milling mahcine for working metal , not numerically controlled

  5. 这儿有足够的弹药来炸平一个月亮。

    There 's enough fire power in here to level a moon .

  6. 可以炸平一整座村庄。

    Enough to take out an entire village .

  7. 采用数值模拟方法,对贵州赤水宝元构造嘉五1气藏中一口蛇曲井&宝平一井的产能进行了分析研究。

    Moreover , numerical simulation method is adopted to study inflow performance characteristics of snaky well in solution gas drive reservoir .

  8. 候匡平一开始我们只是设计和开发酒店,经营管理交给别人做。

    HO KWON PING When we first started , we were designers and developers of hotels . We let out the management contracts to others .

  9. 如果有了山头,一定要去掉,要把山头平一平,把干部交流一下,不要挤到一堆。

    Wherever a " mountain stronghold " exists , we must get rid of it & demolish it by transferring the cadres involved so that they don 't gather in one place .

  10. 根据史料统计,在短短3个月里,仅在平一县860余庄中,习拳者多至800余处,几乎村村皆有。

    The local poor peasants and groups of homeless people responded and rose up . According to the statistics of historical data , there were more than eight hundred places that had the boxers in more than eight hundred and sixty villages in only Pingyi County in short three months . Almost every village had the boxers .

  11. 沿条和沿条缝擦平机一条缝制得线缝细密平整的裙子。

    Welt and seam rubbing machine a skirt sewed with fine flat seams .

  12. 平假名一种草体的假名,用于礼貌的,非正式的或随意的书写中。

    A cursive kana used for polite , informal , or casual writing .

  13. 航测磁场自动调平的一种简单方法

    A Simple Method for Automatic Leveling Aeromagnetic Survey Data

  14. 在航空物探测量的数据处理工作中,数据调平是一个很重要的环节。

    In the data processing of Aerogeophysical , data leveling is a very important part .

  15. 均平作为一种文化,它的思想价值在于追求社会的和谐与均衡。

    The thought value of the equal culture lay in pursuing a harmonious and balanced society .

  16. 读“汽轮发电机弹簧基础快速调平的一次成功实践”有感

    Thoughts from reading " once success practice of fast adjustment balance for turbine-generator units spring-foundation "

  17. 象煎饼一样平,一个很常用的英文表达,描述一样东西特别的平整。

    John : As flat as a pancake – a phrase we use in English to describe something very flat indeed .

  18. 在过去四十年里她的口音变得平了一点,不过还可以听出明显的英国西部口音的尾子。

    Her accent had softened a bit over the past forty years , but there was still a distinct West British edge to it .

  19. 第二天,他不得不又给组织上写了一封信,请求组织上批准翠平参与一项危险性不大的工作。

    The next day , he had to write to the party again , asking approval for a not too dangerous assignment for Cuiping .

  20. 结论:奎的平是一种治疗晚发精神分裂症疗效好、安全、不良反应少、病人服用依从性好的药物。

    Conclusions : Quetiapine is a drug with good efficacy 、 safety 、 less adverse effect and good compliance in the treatment of late-onset schizophrenia .

  21. 作为一名已事过境迁的进气平在一个较高的量的空气可以凉快很多,你的引擎能呼吸更容易与限制股票系统。

    As a cold air intake draws in a higher volume of air which may be much cooler , your engine can breathe easier than with a limiting stock system .

  22. 唐装微软在干涉仪导轨上平放一方形玻璃容器,内装待测液体,动镜铅垂地浸没在液体中。

    Microsoft in Traditional Chinese Suit On the track of interferometer we lay a cuboid container filled with liquid to be measured and the movable mirror was dipped in liguid vertically .

  23. 时任中国国家领空格导人的邓空格小空格平在一次对国家空格军委的演说中宣称,政治教育的缺失是造成动荡局面的原因。

    Deng Xiaoping , then China 's leader , declared in a speech to the nation 's military leadership that the cause of the unrest was that political education had been ignored .

  24. 桃园平镇市一对林姓夫妇日前晚间开热水器准备洗澡时因为空气不流通,让一氧化碳飘进屋内。

    A couple surnamed Lin living in Ping-Jen City of Taoyuan County recently turned on the water heater to prepare for bathing and the lack of airflow allowed the carbon monoxide to float into the house .

  25. 该文基于夏季降水异常存在准两年振荡的特征,提出了预测年际降水异常和大气环流距平的一个有效的新方法,其预测效果显著优于通用的传统方法,因而具有较好的应用价值。

    Based on the quasi biennial oscillation of the summer precipitation anomaly , an effective scheme is proposed for correcting the interannual prediction for summer precipitation and atmospheric general circulation by IAP coupled ocean atmosphere model .

  26. 传统圆形瓶子上的标签难以阅读,因此她设计了一个扁平管状容器,有足够的空间可以平贴一张标签,这样一来标签的内容就一目了然了。

    The wraparound labels on conventional round bottles were difficult to read , so she designed a flat tube-shaped container that stood upright on its cap , with plenty of room for a large , flat label that could be read easily at a glance .

  27. 那是一种衰而不败的从容,一种哀而不伤的平和,一种智而不言的哲学。

    It was a failure and unbeaten calm , a calm and sad but not wounded , a statement of philosophy rather than intellectual .

  28. GPS网与常规网三维联合平差的一种简便模型

    A Convenient Model of the Three Dimensional Adjustment of GPS Net and Conventional Net

  29. GPS网平差中一个问题的讨论

    Discussion on the problem in GPS network adjustment

  30. 用边界元方法数值分析绕平壁上一薄平板的STOKES流动

    Numerical analyses of Stokes flow passing over a fence on a flat plate with BEM