
  • 网络Flat knife;straight chisel
  1. 哈驰推出片刀型、爪刀型、平刀型系列破碎机。

    Ha-Chi launches slice blade type , cutter claw-type and flat blade type crusher .

  2. 平刀裁切,手动进刀,端面平整。

    Plane blade cutting , manual cutting feed , and with smooth end surface .

  3. 平刀型破碎机适合于各种箱类、吹塑件、瓶类薄管件等粉碎回收。

    Flat type crushers are suitable for all kinds of crushing recovery of cases and bottles of thin fittings etc.

  4. 可调式结构视线材粗细,平刀、圆刀适用范围较大,节省购刀费用。

    Flexible inlet structure can fit wire and let level blade , round blade expand using range , saving blade cost .

  5. 本机为可调式的结构,可依线材外径规格选择平刀或圆刀做剥皮,能使剥皮更达完美。

    This machine kind has rectifiable architecture ; you can choose tabular knife or circular knife according to the wire 's outside diameter , it makes wire stripping more perfect .

  6. 建立了应力场有限元分析的边界条件,对与温度场分析时相同时刻的应力场进得了有限元分析,得出了平刀面铣刀片和波形刃铣刀片的应力分布规律。

    Boundary condition of FMA of stress field was built . Finite element analysis of stress field was processed . Stress distributing regularity of wave edge and flat rake face milling insert was got . 4 .

  7. 在已有的平前刀面铣刀片铣削温度数学模型的基础上,利用Jaeger的移动面热源理论,建立了波形刃铣刀片铣削温度的数学模型,编制了计算机程序对铣削温度进行了预测;

    The temperature model of the waved-edge has been constructed according to Jaeger 's theory of moving solid under the used temperature model of the flat insert , it is possible to forecast milling temperature through programming .

  8. 平前刀面球头铣刀的几何角度分析

    Analysis for Geometric Angles of Ball end Milling Cutter with Plane Face

  9. 但是对铣削力的研究大多是针对平前刀面铣刀片而进行的。

    But these researches are almost about milling force of the flat rake milling inserts .

  10. 复杂槽型铣刀片具有优于平前刀面铣刀片的切削性能。

    Milling insert with complex groove has better cutting performance than insert with plane face .

  11. 工作前必须仔细检查平口刀是否紧固在刀架上。

    Before work you must carefully check whether flat tool is fastened on the tool carrier .

  12. 三维复杂槽型可转位铣刀片具有优于平前刀面铣刀片的切削性能,具有逐渐替代平前刀面铣刀片的趋势。

    Indexable milling insert with 3D complex groove has better cutting performance than that with plane face and has the tendency to replace it .

  13. 塑胶机械刀片一般多为异型刀片,主要有各种齿形平元刀及条型刀。

    The revertex mechanical bit general many are the heterogeneous bit , mainly has each kind of tooth profile even Yuan Dao and the strip forming tool .

  14. 传统的平前刀面铣刀片已越来越不能满足生产的需要,设计、开发一种铣削力小,铣削温度低的新型铣刀片势在必行。

    Traditional flat rake milling insert has not been meeting with production requirement gradually . It is necessary that designed and developed a new type of tool with low milling force and temperature .

  15. 对五种不同槽型的铣刀片进行了不同切削参数的试验,建立了平前刀面铣刀片和波形刃铣刀片的表面受力密度函数。

    The experiments of milling insert with five sorts groove is completed when cutting parameters are different . The surface force density functions are set up for smooth front edge and wave edge milling insert .

  16. 经大量文献查询,以往有关切入破损机理研究都是针对平前刀面铣刀片进行的,对三维复杂槽型铣刀片切入破损机理研究很少有报道。

    Looking up a great deal of literature , the study of the cut-in disrepair is all about the flat-groove milling insert . And the study of mechanism of the cut-in disrepair for 3D complex groove milling insert seldom reported .