
píng fáng
  • bungalow;one-storey house;single-storey house
平房 [píng fáng]
  • [single-storey house] 只有一层的房子(区别于楼房)

平房[píng fáng]
  1. 10月27日,一个清爽的早晨,一群印度特警闯进了一所白色的单层平房。

    GROUP of special Indian police barged into a white-painted , single-storey house on the crisp morning of October27th .

  2. 他把那间平房借给康拉德一家住了两三个星期。

    He had lent the bungalow to the Conrads for a couple of weeks .

  3. 平房是一种房屋。

    Bungalows are a type of house .

  4. 这个海边小镇上都是白色小平房。

    It was a seaside town filled with small white bungalows .

  5. 这个小镇里都是白色平房

    It was a town filled with white bungalows .

  6. 平房没有上层。

    A bungalow does not have an upstairs .

  7. Air(初三适用)浅谈高大平房仓的气密性改造

    Improvement of air tightness in large warehouse

  8. 高大平房仓粮面投药的PH3环流熏蒸生产应用报告

    A field report on ph_3 recirculation fumigation in large warehouse

  9. 高大平房仓PH3低剂量缓释防治储粮害虫试验

    Ph_3 slow-releasing fumigation with low dosage in large warehouse

  10. 高大平房仓PH3环流熏蒸试验

    Ph_3 recirculation fumigation in large warehouse

  11. 在这些3D打印楼房展示区中包括一个单层的平房,这套房子已经被埃及政府提前预定了,不久将会被运走。

    The display site also featured a single-story house pre-ordered by the Egyptian government , which will soon be shipped to its owner .

  12. 投资家沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)出名的事情则是他一直居住在自己50年前购买的奥马哈平房里。

    Investor Warren Buffett famously lives in the Omaha bungalow he purchased 50 years ago .

  13. 高大平房仓粮面PEF压盖隔热试验

    Application of PEF to grain surface for insulation heat in large warehouse

  14. 对高大平房仓的门窗、通风口、环流熏蒸管道等易导热部位用PVC发泡塑料作隔热保温处理,以提高仓房的隔热性能,进一步改善仓房的储粮条件;

    The door , windows , vent opening and recirculation ducts in large warehouse were treated by PVC foam plastic to improve heat insulation property .

  15. 因此,巴菲特会持有他的奥马哈平房,甚至还有中石油(PetroChina)的股票,但却不收藏早期绘画大师的作品。

    So Mr Buffett owns his Omaha bungalow , and even a stake in PetroChina but no old master collection .

  16. 采用聚氨酯发泡材料、聚苯乙烯泡沫板、棉胎、PEF保温隔热板4种隔热材料在高大平房仓中进行隔热效果试验。

    Polyurethane foamed material , polystyrene foamed plastics , cotton film and PEF were tested for insulation heat in large warehouse .

  17. 第一座平房位于瓦尔巴赖镇外12英里斯坦默尔茶场(stanmoreestate)的中心位置。

    The first bungalow sits in the middle of the Stanmore estate , a working tea plantation about 12 miles outside valparai .

  18. 服务与菜肴都属一流,Tientsin平房酒店有魅力的英式花园,别具风情。

    With outstanding service and cuisine , the Tientsin bungalow with its magnificent British garden constitutes a destination all its own .

  19. 这是一本操作指南,描述了米勒德在自己那栋位于明尼阿波里斯市(Minneapolis)的平房里,是如何尝试在室内种植一些喜欢阳光的户外作物的,例如各种香草、胡萝卜、水萝卜、土豆和番茄。

    This is a how-to guide that describes Ms. Millard 's experiments raising crops - sun-loving outdoor plants like herbs , carrots , radishes , potatoes and tomatoes - in her Minneapolis bungalow .

  20. 这里名叫Tientsin,是“锡兰茶径”(CeylonTeaTrails)酒店在哈顿地区运营的最古老的四处平房酒店(始建于1888年)之一,“锡兰茶径”也是斯里兰卡的第一家罗莱夏朵(Relais&Châteaux)集团酒店。

    I had arrived at Tientsin , the oldest ( built in 1888 ) of four bungalows operated in the Hatton area by Ceylon Tea Trails , Sri Lanka 's first Relais & Ch â teaux resort .

  21. 爆破拆除的这座烟囱高度30m,砖砌结构,筒体厚37cm,在距地面5m处爆破拆除,烟囱倒向的反侧紧连平房等建筑物,且需要保护。

    A brick structural chimney with 30m heigh and 37cm wall thickness was demolished by controlled blasting with a cut at 5m from the ground . The opposite of collapsing direction of the chimney was a single storey house and other buildings which must be protected .

  22. 高大平房仓两种施药方式的环流熏蒸试验

    Two application methods of ph_3 for recirculation fumigation in large warehouse

  23. 三种风机对平房仓储藏小麦的通风效果比较

    Comparison of three ventilation fans for stored wheat in horizontal storage

  24. 你们的公寓是平房还是两层的。

    Is your apartment a one-story or two - story house ?

  25. 眼前出现了一些平房,房顶上覆盖着白雪。

    Some low houses covered with whit snow came into sight .

  26. 某小麦平房仓工程事故的分析与处理

    Analysis and treatment of the engineering accident of a wheat storehouse

  27. 散粮平房仓地震作用的计算方法

    Method for calculating earthquake effect on horizontal warehouse storing bulk grain

  28. 牧场主同他的妻子住在牧场平房里。

    The rancher and his wife live in the ranch house .

  29. 他的“乡下房子”原来是一座大平房。

    His country cottage turned out to be an enormous bungalow .

  30. 平房仓在我国粮食仓储中仍占有十分重要的位置。

    Horizontal bin is still very important in grain storage .