
  1. 现代主题商业城开发区位选择因素分析

    Analysis on the location factors influencing the development of modern theme commercial city

  2. 在这个以财富为主题的商业时代,企业家已然成为了显赫的主角。

    The theme of wealth in this business era , entrepreneurs has became a prominent protagonist .

  3. 本论文研究的主题是商业银行的主客户营销管理模式,具体内容涵盖商业银行主客户营销管理模式的理论和应用研究,包括对我国国有商业银行主客户营销管理模式的实践研究。

    The subject of this paper is the marketing management mode of major clients ( MMMMC ) in commercial banks .

  4. 我们生活在一个传统的伟大主题被商业艺术日益贬低的年代如人体、风景,甚至是比较新的传统、如抽象的表现主义。

    We live in an age when the traditional great subjects the human form , the landscape , even newer traditions such as abstract expressionism are daily devalued by commercial art .

  5. 冯小刚早期的电影的一大主题是商业主义,包括《大腕》在这部电影里,一位导演将自己的葬礼推销给了广告商。

    One of Feng ' s targets in his earlier films has been commercialism . including " Big Shot 's Funeral " where a film director sells his funeral to advertisers .

  6. 防范风险是银行经营的永恒主题,现代商业银行管理中要坚持效益、质量、规模协调发展;

    Risk prevention constitutes the perpetual topic for banking management .

  7. 第四,非常注重发展主题公园的商业模式。

    Pay great attention to the development of business model of theme parks .

  8. 通过基础理论的介绍与铺垫,引出文章的主题部分&商业银行客户知识管理。

    Through the introduction of basic theory and bedding , leads to the subject of the article-Commercial Bank Customer Knowledge Management .

  9. 商业建筑的主题化与主题商业建筑

    Being Themed of Commercial Building and Thematic Commercial Building

  10. 提出应当发展主题体验式步行商业街景观和能够适应气候变化的设施、小品、植物以及冬季进行步行街维护的主要方法。

    It should be made to develop theme-walking experience commercial street landscape and to adapt to climate change facilities piece , plant winter , and walking the main street maintenance methods .

  11. 专家相信,影片为革命主题的电影创造了一个典范,因为它既结合了政治主题又达到了商业上的成功。

    Experts believe the movie has created a successful model for revolution-themed films , which merge political doctrine and commercial success .