
  • 网络Dominant Wavelength;primary wavelength;Dominant Wave Length
  1. 此外,还介绍了基于CIE标准体系的色度计算方法,以及颜色的主波长和色纯度等视觉色度参数。

    In addition , the method of CIE chromaticity calculation , together with the visual colorimetric parameters , dominant wavelength and color purity , are also presented in this article .

  2. 求解矿物反射色主波长和饱和度的一种新检索表

    New determinative table for dominant wavelength and excitation purity of reflection colour

  3. 对LED主波长测量过程做质量控制图分析。

    The measurement process of LED dominant wavelengths is analyzed by means of the quality control chart .

  4. 影响发光二极管(LED)颜色的光谱参数有:峰值波长、带宽、主波长和质心波长。

    Peak wavelength , bandwith , domain wavelength , and centroid wavelength are factors affecting on light color of LED .

  5. 峰值波长和带宽反映了LED发光的物理特性,主波长反映了LED发光的目视感觉,质心波长是LED的几何对称波长。

    Peak wavelength and bandwith stand for the physical property of light of LED , domain wavelength corresponds to feel of eyes , centroid wavelength is geometric symmetry wavelength of LED .

  6. 用质心波长来估算主波长,误差小于3nm。

    Domain wavelength was estimated by centroid wavelength , its error is less than 3 nm .

  7. 以工作于CO2激光主波长的传统两片球面透镜型f-θ镜为基础,引入衍射面实现消色差,设计了工作于可调谐CO2激光的波段范围9.0 ̄11.0μm的f-θ镜。

    Based on a conventional 2-element f - θ lens working on the primary wavelength of CO2 laser , an achromatic f - θ lens working on tunable CO2 laser 9.0 ~ 11.0 μ m was designed by adding a diffractive surface to one of the two lenses .

  8. 在不同的工艺参数下对目前室内典型的污染气体甲醛进行了一系列纳米光催化分解模拟试验,结果表明:(1)采用主波长为254nm的紫外灯对甲醛有更好的分解效率;

    This paper reported on the simulation experiments of nano photocatalytic decomposition of formaldehyde , one of the typical indoor air pollutants .

  9. 一种为紫红色,主波长为585~588nm,饱和度为0.569~0.629;另一种为褐红色,主波长为600~595nm,饱和度为0.866~0.939。

    One is purplish red , with main wavelength of 585 ~ 588nm and saturation of 0.569 ~ 0.629 in their chromatic measurement ;

  10. 主波长理论在地质勘探中的应用

    Application of the dominant wavelength theory to the geological exploring

  11. 计算机求解颜色刺激的主波长和兴奋纯度

    The Solution of the Dominant Wavelength and Excitation Purity of Any Color Stimuli by Means of a ComPuter

  12. 采用该方案的色度仪可测量颜色的色品坐标、色差、照度以及主波长等参数。

    It can be applied to measure the color coordinates , chromatic aberration , illuminance and main wavelength of a color .

  13. 通过数值分析,运用解析几何原理推导出计算彩色玻璃三个参数(主波长、纯度和亮度)的数学模型,编制出计算程序。

    A simple model was deduced for calculating three parameters ( main wavelength 、 purity and brightness ) of colorful glasses using data analysis method and analytic geometrical theory .

  14. 如要求较高可见光透过同时要兼顾隔热节能的功能,那么应选用色度主波长为497.3nm(宝石蓝)或507nm(翡翠绿)的太阳膜。

    Solar films with main wavelength 497.3 nm ( diamond blue ) and 507 nm ( emerald green ) should be chosen if the authors want to get high visible light transmissivity and heat insulation function .

  15. 试验研究了红外辐射主波长、红外辐射强度、红外辐射源与浆纱间距离对浆纱干燥速率的影响规律。

    The influence regularity on drying speed of sized yarn of some main factors such as infrared ray 's main wavelength , intensity of infrared radiation and the distance between infrared emitter and sized yarn is studied by experiment .

  16. 非对称单脊波导主模截止波长的数值计算

    Numerical Computation of Cutoff Wavelength of the Dominant Mode in Asymmetric Single Ridge Waveguide

  17. 不对称脊波导脊位置对主模截止波长的影响

    Ridge Position Influence of The Axisymmetry Ridge Waveguides on The Cutoff Wavelength of The Dominant Mode

  18. 计算结果显示:当脊的高度越高,或脊的宽度越窄,或脊的位置越接近中部,TE主模的截止波长就将越长,波导带宽就能增加。

    When the ridge height is increased , or the ridge width is increased , or the ridge position is closely middle location , numerical results have shown that dominant-mode cutoff wavelength can be increased and bandwidth can be improved in the ridge waveguide .

  19. 实验系统中主振荡激光器的波长为1083nm,输出功率0~100mW连续可调。

    In the experiments , the wavelength of the master oscillator is 1 083 nm and the output power is between 0 ~ 100 mW .

  20. 提出了用有限差分方法分析不对称脊波导主模的截止波长和场结构图等传输特性,推导出用有限差分方法计算相关参数的公式。

    This paper describes the application of finite difference method for obtaining the cutoff wavelength and the field pattern of asymmetric single ridge waveguide , and gives the specific equation for computing related parameters .