
  • 网络main culture;mainstream culture;dominant culture;host culture;hnst culture
  1. 对大理白族民众有厚重影响的本主文化是构建和谐大理可资利用的宝贵文化资源。

    The originally main culture with deep and serious impact on Dali Bai people is valuable culture resources that can be utilized in constructing harmonious Dali .

  2. 我对主文化亚文化研究的几点看法

    My Views on the Research of Mainstream Culture and Sub-cultures

  3. 试论儒家思想对白族本主文化的影响

    Influences of Confucian ideas on the folk religious culture of the Bai people

  4. 汉水文化:在亚文化与主文化关系中审视

    Relation between Hanshui Culture and Socialist Culture

  5. 质疑:反文化的主文化尺度

    The Stander of Main-culture About Counter-culture

  6. 人们一般倾向于认为,否定主文化的亚文化就是反文化。

    People inclines to agree with this view that the counter-culture is a kind of sub-culture denying main-culture .

  7. 校园文化和社区文化都是在有中国特色的社会主义主文化的指导和支配下发展和各具特性的区域性、单位性的亚文化。

    Campus culture and community culture are both regional and institutional subcultures of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics .

  8. 本主文化建筑在聚落环境、总体布局以及单体建筑等方面反映出浓厚地方特色建筑文化形式和理念,具有典型的研究价值。

    Benzhu architecture turns to construct to reflect the local special features building culture form in the aspects of settlement environment , total layout and single building etc.

  9. 中国文化与东道国文化的差异、跨国企业主文化与亚文化的差异,都会导致跨国经营企业出现管理上的矛盾和偏差。

    Cultural differences between China and the host countries , cultural differences between primary culture and subordinate culture within the transnational corporations , will cause conflicts and deviations in operation and management .

  10. 因此,正确认识和处理主文化与亚文化、民族认同与国家认同这两对关系对防止民族分离主义的产生,维护多民族国家的稳定与统一,具有重要的意义。

    In any nation , whether it still has a political system of unification between politics and religion or not , the role religion plays in its national identity is very complex .

  11. 本文试就白族本主文化与儒家思想的关系作粗略探析,试由此出发揭示儒家思想的现代意义。

    The paper first gives an elementary analysis to the relationship between the folk religious culture of the Bai people and Confucian ideas , and then points out the contemporary significance of Confucian ideas .

  12. 本文从文化传统、法律主文化及其整合机制、社会转型期特点等方面分析了不良亚文化的成因。

    This paper studies the cause of formation about unhealthy subculture from the following aspects : traditional civilization , legal major culture and its conformity mechanism , the society characteristics during the transforming period of social systems .

  13. 处在悠久历史文化和世界文化背景中的中国近现代文化转型必然面临时代性与民族性、主文化与亚文化、文化取向与市场取向的矛盾。

    The transformation of modern Chinese culture is necessarily faced with the contradiction between times and nationality , mother current culture and sub-culture , cultural inclination and market inclination in the background of long historical culture and world culture .

  14. 摘要经济全球化的趋势,会对各个民族-国家的主文化产生巨大的影响,对我国边远地区民族文化这样的亚文化发展,更具有特殊的意义,有必要开展深入研究。

    The trend of economic globalization tends to have a tremendous impact on the mainstream culture of different nationalities , and is of special significance to the development of subcultures such as that of ethnic cultures in china 's outlying areas , and thus profound research is necessary .

  15. 学校德育在跨文化传播下呈现出主文化与亚文化、教师主体指导性与学生主体辨别性以及学校德育目标的一维性与实践的多维性的矛盾等问题。

    The ethic education of a school , in the communication , is confronted with contradictions between dominating culture and sub - cultures , teachers ' subjective guidance and students ' subjective identification , and the one - dimension goal and multi - dimension practice of the ethical education .

  16. 主客位文化视野中的纳人走访制

    Visiting System of the Na People in the View of Culture of the Object and the Subject

  17. 诚&忠互动关系营销模式即符合中国传统主诚信文化,又适合市场经济营销环境。

    The marketing mode of honest and loyalty interaction not only originates from Chinese traditional culture but also adapts marketing environment of market economy .

  18. 研究认为,在传统武术伦理道德的萌芽产生及其发展过程中,自然汲取了主脉文化懦家伦理道德文化的思想,形成了独特的文化体系。

    Through research we think radiant ethics and morality of military accomplishments naturally derives the idea of the ethical amoral culture of Confucianism which is main culture of China , and produces special system of culture during it 's bud , generation and development .

  19. 尚健作为民族之主气与文化之精神源远流长。

    As Chinese main national and cultural integrity , pioneering spirit has being lasted for a long time .

  20. 定性分析主要表现在对一些客主交往的文化因素和现象的属性归类、解释及作用机制的分析上。

    The qualitative analysis mainly lies in the analysis of the cultural factors , the property of the phenomenon .

  21. 正是这些源于制度与文化的影响使私营企业主认同积累文化资本才是实现向上流动的唯一途径。

    It is the influence originated from the system and culture that has been recognized by the private business owners as the only path to upward social mobility .

  22. 家企同构的用人模式是私营企业主在传统文化和社会转型的背景下,基于经济理性和情感理性双重考虑基础上的一种必然(逻辑)选择。

    Therefore , the resemblance between enterprise personnel and family personnel is an inevitable or reasonable choice made by the enterprise owner under the influence of traditional culture and society transformation .

  23. 对于社会规约的顺应,主要是广告主对社会文化的顺应,因为广告主的广告语受到社会文化的制约,而又对社会文化产生影响。

    The Chinese-English code-switching adapts to social conventions mainly means that advertisers should adapt to social culture , because advertising discourse is restricted by social culture and it has an influence on social culture .

  24. 建立一主多元的文化格局并充分发挥文化在提高人的素质、提高生活质量和提高精神境界诸方面的功能,是代表中国先进文化前进方向的关键。

    The key to represent the forthright direction of chinese advanced culture is to found the culture pattern of the one main stem with many other branches , and to exact the culture functions as the improvements in the popularity 's staff , the living standards and the spirit idea .

  25. 本主庙:白族文化的博物馆

    Patron God Monastery : Museum of Ethnic Bai Culture Hai Rui Temple

  26. 哈代是传统的乡村主活及地方文化的代言人。

    Hardy is the spokesman of the traditional country life and local culture .

  27. 对建筑与文化2002国际学术讨论会的过程有所叙述。对会议所取得的主要成果,如:①主议题&跨文化的学术交流;

    This article narrates the process of 2002 International Symposium on Architecture and Culture ( ISAC ' 02 ) .

  28. 城市中心区的建筑综合体与城市主空间&西湖文化广场设计中的城市设计

    Urban Building Complex Design in the Urban Center and the Main Urban Space & Urban Design of Hangzhou Westlake Cultural Plaza

  29. 事实上,作为中国民族传统文化主脉的儒家文化,在前期创造社作家身上留下了不可磨灭的痕迹。

    In fact , the culture of Confucian school has left indelible brand over the authors of the early Creation Society .

  30. 私营企业面临的内源性障碍包括治理模式的缺陷、私营企业主素质、企业文化问题、私营企业劳资关系问题。

    The inside source obstacle that private enterprise face main character , corporate culture in blemish , private enterprise problem , private enterprise labor relations problem that include manages the mode .