
  1. 让我们切入主题吧,好吗?

    Let 's just cut to the chase , shall we ?

  2. 那我不如直切主题吧。

    I like to get to the heart of things right away .

  3. 我们还是直入主题吧多少钱

    Let 's cut to the chase , shall we ? How much ?

  4. 好吧,就跳过寒暄直奔主题吧。

    Sheldon : All right , let 's dispense with the friendly banter .

  5. 因此还是直奔主题吧。

    So get straight to the point .

  6. 我不知道,有点儿直奔主题吧,你知道的。

    I don 't know . I kinda go into a zone , you know .

  7. 时间不多了,我们继续讨论下一个主题吧。

    Time is short , so let 's go on to ( discuss ) the next subject .

  8. 回到(原话题或思路)回到我原来的主题吧!

    Return to ( a topic in talk or thought ) To get back to my original point .

  9. 我们已经清理掉了那些傻傻呆呆的发明创造,现在就让我们一本正经地切入主题吧!

    Now that we 've cleansed the pallet with a goofy entry , let 's get down to serious business .

  10. 现在进入主题吧:外表年轻的卡伦没有对装年轻感到厌烦,因为没有人能强迫他们做任何事。

    Now to the point : The younger-looking Cullens do not resent being MADE to act young , because no one makes them do anything .

  11. 如果你有从来没决定过的议题要和你的伙伴讨论,你掌管交流的宫位正在发光,谈那些主题吧。

    If you feel there is something you need to discuss with your partner because you have an issue that was never resolved , the house so lit up for you rules communication , so broach that subject again .

  12. 本周日英语俱乐部是我们每月一次的娱乐活动主题。来吧!

    It is our new monthly fun activity gathering this Sunday at the English Club .

  13. 看看我在儿童节时写的关于主题公园的日记吧。

    Read my diary about Children 's Day at the theme park .

  14. 回到我们更广泛的主题或者其变体吧。

    To return to our wider theme , or a variant of it .

  15. 所以,也许我应该闭口不谈我的生活状况,只说说具体发生的事情,但我会一点儿一点儿切入主题的。好吧,就是这个意思。

    So maybe I should stop describing my life , start showing what happens instead , but I 'll get to that bit in a bit , so to speak .

  16. 假使你看不出主题的正反两面论证都有价值的话,就换个主题吧;

    If you cannot see the value of arguments on both sides of the issue , select another issue .