
  • 网络guarini;Guarino Guarini;G.Guarini
  1. 一进门,他就恭敬地和瓜里尼打招呼,并提到他母亲曾为瓜里尼的父母工作。

    Once inside , he greets Guarini deferentially , mentioning that his mother once worked for her parents .

  2. 瓜里尼随后热情地招呼了他,并问道,“您母亲是?”他告诉了她答案。

    She in turn greets him warmly , asking , " Who is your mother ? " " He tells her . "

  3. 瓜里尼优雅得无可挑剔。从小就在这栋房子里长大的她,去巴黎生活了几十年,前不久回到了罗马。

    Guarini herself - impeccably elegant - grew up in this house , spent decades in Paris and recently moved to Rome .

  4. 不是所有女主人都记得家里佣工的亲戚的名字,但就像瓜里尼解释的那样,萨伦托的贵族阶层很特别。

    It isn 't every lady that remembers the names of her household staff 's relations - but , as Guarini explains , the Salentino aristocracy is peculiar . "

  5. 和温斯皮尔家的大宅一样,“瓜里尼庄园”的风格既轻松,又庄严:瓜里尼已长大成人的孩子、家里养的狗里昂和她那身穿泳衣的男友在屋里走过。

    Villa Guarini , like the Winspeares " palazzo , is as relaxed as it is regal : Guarini 's adult children , dog L é on and swimsuit-clad boyfriend pass through .

  6. 与瓜里尼、维加的戏剧理论相比较,明代的戏剧理论在戏剧真实性、戏剧语言通俗化、戏剧舞台理论等方面有着自己独到的见解以及与他们的相通之处。

    Compared with their Dramatic theory , theorists of Ming Dynasty held their own views about authenticity , language popularization and stage theory of Drama . On the other hand , they had some in common .

  7. “历史上,土地所有者和佣工关系亲密。小时候,我和其他所有孩子一样,上公立学校。”尽管生活在罗马,但瓜里尼每次回来都会在特里卡塞波尔图住上几个月。

    Historically , the landowners had very intimate relationships with the workers . As a girl , I went to public school with all the other children . " " Though she lives in Rome , Guarini spends months at a time in Tricase Porto .