
Lán ɡé
  • Lange
  1. 其他人则在推特(Twitter)上表达了他们对兰格罹难的哀伤。

    Others took to Twitter to express their sadness at Mr. Lange 's death .

  2. 北京兰格钢铁信息研究中心(BeijingLangeSteelInformationResearch)分析师侯志芸表示,成本不断上升是钢企利润不断下降的一个重要原因。从2003年到2011年,铁矿石价格上涨了6倍。

    Rising costs are one important reason for falling steelmaker profits , said Hou Zhiyun , analyst at Beijing Lange Steel Information Research , with ore prices rising sixfold from 2003 to 2011 .

  3. (兰格计划通过Skype参与每周一次的实验室会议。)

    ( Langer planned to Skype into weekly lab meetings . )

  4. 兰格的团队为LivingProof开发的最新产品就是用在莫兰右眼皮肤下的一种叫做Neotensil的明胶,它可以起到紧致皮肤的效果。

    Neotensil , the clear adhesive that compresses the skin under Moran 's right eye , is the most recent Living Proof development to come from Langer 's team .

  5. LivingProof选择在剑桥落户是有道理的,它的总部和麻省理工学院(MIT)的科学家罗伯特o兰格的实验室只隔了几条街,而LivingProof的产品所用的技术正是在那里孵化的。

    The location 's strategic : It 's blocks away from MIT scientist Robert Langer 's laboratory , where Living Proof products ' technology gets its start .

  6. Strateris背后的复杂科学原理对于LivingProof来说并不新奇,因为这家公司的护发系列产品——也就是安尼斯顿代言的产品,也出自兰格的实验室。

    The complex science behind Strateris isn 't new to Living Proof . Its haircare line -- which Aniston is the face of -- is also covered in Langer 's fingerprints .

  7. 他说,兰格还与荷兰的HeinekenInternational、皇家壳牌有限公司(RoyalDutchShellPLC)等企业合作筹集款项,用于分发治疗HIV的药物。

    He also worked with Dutch companies like Heineken International and Royal Dutch Shell PLC to raise money to distribute anti-HIV drugs , he said .

  8. 北京兰格钢铁信息研究中心(LangeSteel)分析师张琳表示,政策导向是明确的:国进民退。

    Zhang Lin , analyst at Lange steel , says the policy direction is clear : The state advances and the private sector retreats .

  9. 兰格计划进一步分析受试者的唾液,看其中是否确实存在鼻病毒,而不只是偏高的IgA抗体水平。

    Langer plans to further analyze the subjects " saliva to see whether they actually have the rhinovirus and not just elevated IgA .

  10. 现在,兰格计划进一步分析受试者的唾液,看其中是否确实存在鼻病毒,而不只是偏高的IgA抗体水平。

    Langer plans to further analyze the subjects ' saliva to see whether they actually have the rhinovirus and not just elevated IgA .

  11. 兰格说:我们在MIT做的很多工作都是基础性的研究,它们可以被应用在方方面面。

    A lot of what we do at MIT is fundamental work that can be applied across the board , Langer explains .

  12. 直到2010年,英国广播公司(BBC)聘请兰格担任顾问,重复了这项实验,并将其做成一档节目,名为“年轻一代”(TheYoungOnes),把六位年迈的前名星当作实验对象。

    Then in 2010 , the BBC broadcast a recreation , which Langer consulted on , called " The Young Ones , " with six aging former celebrities as guinea pigs .

  13. 他们还鼓励她建设一座兰格正念研究所(LangerMindfulnessInstitute),既开展研究,又运营静思休养之地。

    They also encouraged her to build a Langer Mindfulness Institute , which will take part in research and run retreats .

  14. 在旁边买衣服的24岁学生雅各布•兰格(JakobLange)表示赞同。

    Shopping for a suit nearby , Jakob Lange , a24-year-old student , agreed .

  15. 他的这个树林由景观设计公司ChristianDuvernoisLandscape的雅各布・兰格(JacobLange)设计,它将被连绵起伏的草坪、多年生植物和蔓生的百里香所环绕,林中还会辟有纵横交错的步行小径。

    Designed by Jacob Lange of Christian Duvernois Landscape , his forest will be set in an undulating landscape of meadow grasses , perennials and creeping thyme , crisscrossed with walking paths .

  16. 去年春天,兰格和博士后研究员德博拉·菲利普斯(DeborahPhillips)在聊天时谈起了逆时针研究。

    Last spring , Langer and a postdoctoral researcher , Deborah Phillips , were chatting when the subject of the counterclockwise study came up .

  17. 几年前,兰格和她的学生阿莉娅·克拉姆(AliaCrum)进行了一项研究,并发表在《心理科学》(PsychologicalScience)杂志上。该研究涉及84名酒店客房女服务员。

    A few years earlier , Langer and one of her students , Alia Crum , conducted a study , published in the journal Psychological Science , involving 84 hotel chambermaids .

  18. 这一结果令兰格大受鼓舞。她要求进行进一步的分析,通过检测受试者唾液中的IgA抗体水平(免疫系统反应升高的表征),寻找他们确实患了感冒的更确凿证据。

    Buoyed , Langer ordered further analysis , looking for more concrete proof that they actually caught colds by testing their saliva for the IgA antibody , a sign of elevated immune-system response .

  19. 这档分四集播出的节目获得了英国电影学院奖(BaftaAward,相当于英国的艾美奖[Emmy])提名,并引发人们对兰格的研究产生新的关注。

    The program , which was shown in four parts and nominated for a Bafta Award ( a British Emmy ) , brought new attention to Langer 's work .

  20. 去年,兰格的一个朋友邀请哈佛大学医学院教学附属麦克莱恩医院(Harvard’sMcLeanHospital)的精神病学家、医务和临床主任杰弗里·雷迪格(JeffreyRediger)与同事们一起观看了这档节目。

    Jeffrey Rediger , a psychiatrist and the medical and clinical director of Harvard 's McLean Hospital , was invited by a friend of Langer 's to watch it with some colleagues last year .

  21. 原定要和兰格开会的人中,有一位是他的老同事库珀(DavidCooper)。库珀是悉尼新南威尔士大学(UniversityofNewSouthWales)艾滋病研究院KirbyInstitute的主任。

    Among those due to meet Mr. Lange , the AIDS activist , was long-time colleague David Cooper , Director of the Kirby Institute , an institute specializing in HIV / AIDS research at the University of New South Wales in Sydney .

  22. “我认为最初的报告应该是被一个泛泛的组织所写,尽管后来的东西被我们所证实,但是还是被我们夸大了”罗波特D。兰格对WSJ说。

    " I think that had the initial report been written by a broader group , as almost all of our later papers have been , it would have been framed differently ," Robert D.

  23. 而凭借其在该领域的早期研究工作,兰格被2008年之前在哈佛大学讲授一门深受欢迎的本科课程的塔尔·班夏哈(TalBen-Shahar)誉为“积极心理学之母”。

    Tal Ben-Shahar , who taught a popular undergraduate course at Harvard on the subject until 2008 , calls Langer " the mother of positive psychology , " by virtue of her early work that anticipated the field .

  24. 兰格认为,人们养成了不假思索的习惯,这使他们很容易被似是而非的理念误导。这一观念的形成早于许多流派的“行为经济学”,也早于诺贝尔经济学奖得主丹尼尔·卡尼曼(DanielKahneman)等人的研究。

    Langer 's notion that people are trained not to think and are thus extremely vulnerable to right-sounding but actually wrong notions prefigured many of the tenets of " behavioral economics " and the work of people like Daniel Kahneman , who won a Nobel Prize in economic sciences .

  25. 兰格说:该镇宛如一个时间胶囊。

    The whole town is a time capsule , Langer says .

  26. 亚斯明说,兰格是一个善良的人,也是一个真正的人道主义者。

    ' He was a kind man and a true humanitarian . '

  27. 在此之前,兰格已经进行了两项涉及老年患者的研究。

    Langer had already undertaken a couple of studies involving elderly patients .

  28. 兰格总结道,显然操纵心态可以抵消假定的生理局限。

    Clearly mind-set manipulation can counteract presumed physiological limits , Langer said .

  29. 兰格、布鲁斯经济思想与中国经济改革

    Economic Thoughts of Lange Brus and China Economic Reform

  30. 兰格说:医学界已经放弃了这些患者。

    The medical world has given up on these people , Langer says .