
  • 网络UniCredit;UniCredit Group;UniCredit SpA
  1. 意大利联合信贷银行(Unicredit)固定收益策略部副主任卡祖拉尼(LucaCazzulani)说,气氛非常紧张,一部分是因为市场已经袭击了三个国家。

    ' Tension is very high , in part because the market has already raided three countries , 'said Luca Cazzulani , deputy head of fixed-income strategy at Italy 's Unicredit bank .

  2. 联合信贷银行的经济学家也大干了一番,把宏观经济数据输入复杂的数学模型,以期预测夺冠球队。

    Economists at UniCredit really went to town , feeding in macroeconomic data to complex mathematical models in a bid to predict the winner .

  3. 欧洲银行跨境并购的现状与前景&兼评意大利联合信贷银行兼并德国HVB

    European Banking Cross-border M & A : Present and Future

  4. 今年只有一家欧洲银行意大利联合信贷银行(unicredit)筹集了可观的新股本。

    Only one European bank , UniCredit , has raised a significant amount of fresh equity this year .

  5. 意大利联合信贷银行首席执行官亚历山德罗•普罗法莫(AlessandroProfumo)表示,该行正在转变将风险转移给第三方投资者的业务重点,同时更加注重向顾客销售范围更广的一系列产品。

    Alessandro Profumo , chief executive of the Milan bank , said it was shifting its focus away from distributing risk to third-party investors and placing more emphasis on selling a broader range of products to customers .

  6. 扩大了联合信贷(亚洲发展银行和国际银行基金),以最大限度地利用基金促进私人投资。

    Increased use of co-financing ( aDB and international bank funds ) has also taken place to make maximum use of available funds to promote private investment .

  7. 风行欧洲的银行如瑞士联合银行,瑞士信贷银行以及德意志银行,因在倾斜过度的国内市场缺少机会而被迫挺进美国大联盟。

    European universal banks such as UBS , Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank , constrained by the lack of opportunities in their overbanked home markets , have also muscled into the American big league .