
lián hé ɡuó rì
  • United Nations Day
  1. 如今,10月24日是在全世界范围庆祝的联合国日。

    24 October is now universally celebrated as United Nations Day .

  2. 学校用联合国日小册子;

    United Nations Day pamphlet for schools ;

  3. 为了纪念联合国日,让我们在这里多介绍一下这个组织吧。

    In honor of U.N. Day , here is a little more about the organization ..

  4. 秘书长联合国日致辞

    Secretary-Generals Message on United Nations Day

  5. 每年的联合国日,我们都重申我们的全球使命。

    Every year on UN Day , we reaffirm GetWord (" reaffirm "); our global mission .

  6. 不过,联合国日首先是我们下决心继续努力的日子。

    But above all , UN Day is a day on which we resolve to do more .

  7. 联合国日使我们有机会认识到这一重要的组织为和平与共同进步所做出的巨大贡献。

    United Nations Day is a chance to recognize how much this invaluable Organization contributes to peace and common progress .

  8. 在联合国日,让我们承诺凝聚成一个人类大家庭,为所有人创造一个更好的世界。

    On UN Day , let us pledge to join as one human family to create a better world for all .

  9. 我促请美国50个州的州长和美国管辖下的其他属地的官员,以适当的仪式和活动纪念联合国日。

    I urge the governors of the 50 states , and the officials of all other areas under the flag of the United States , to observe United Nations Day with appropriate ceremonies and activities .

  10. 藉我们同世界人民牵手庆祝联合国日之际,我向联合国秘书长科菲安南及全体联合国大家庭工作人员致以诚挚的问候。

    I extend my sincere good wishes to Secretary-General Kofi Annan and colleagues who work in the United Nations family , as we join hands with people around the world to celebrate United Nations Day .

  11. 联合国日前警告称,报废的手机、笔记本电脑和冰箱等电子产品产生的垃圾正在全球泛滥成灾,并敦促要更好地回收这些通常有毒的垃圾。

    The United Nations ( UN ) warned that waste from discarded electronics like mobile phones , laptops and refrigerators is piling up worldwide , and it urged far better recycling of the often hazardous rubbish .

  12. 4月20日是联合国中文日,中文作为联合国六种正式工作语言之一,这一节日自2011年起开始设立。

    April 20 Chinese Language Day As one of the six official working languages of the United Nations ( UN ) , Chinese Language Day has been celebrated since 2011 .

  13. 联合国纪念日和纪念周;

    United Nations days and weeks ;

  14. 纪念联合国中文日的一小时特别活动于昨天在线上举行。

    A one-hour special event was held online to mark the U.N. Chinese Language Day yesterday .

  15. 今年,联合国糖尿病日¹;到来之际,国际社会正采取行动积极应对这一疾病以及其他非传染性疾病。

    This year 's World Diabetes Day comes at a time of unprecedented international action to confront this and other non-communicable diseases .

  16. 让我们抓住联合国糖尿病日的契机多做工作,以便世界各地的糖尿病患者都能得到应有的护理和治疗。

    Let us all use World Diabetes Day to work so that people with diabetes everywhere get the care and treatment they deserve .

  17. 联合国糖尿病日是个契机,既可以增强人们对糖尿病的认识,又可以向糖尿病患者表明国际社会和他们一道与疾病作斗争的决心。

    World Diabetes Day is an opportunity to raise awareness and to show people living with diabetes that the international community stands with them in their struggle .

  18. 这5天的节日将于6月21号结束,这是首次的联合国瑜伽日,期间中国各地和香港举办了一系列的活动。

    The five-day festival will end on June 21 , the first UN Yoga Day during which a number events are planned all over China and Hong Kong .

  19. 11月21日是联合国世界电视日。

    Nov 21 is United Nations " World Television Day .

  20. 联合国安理会13日决定在14日举行一次秘密会议,对海湾冲突进行磋商。

    The United Nations Security Council decided on the13th to hold a secret meeting on the14th , discussing the Gulf conflict .

  21. 就在全世界记念联合国世界难民日之际,阿拉伯世界逃避暴力的难民人数正在不断上升。

    As the world marks UN Refugee Day on June 20 , the number of people escaping violence across the Arab world is on the rise .

  22. 联合国安理会12日一致通过一项由美英提交的决议草案,决定将联合国伊拉克援助团的任期延长1年。

    The United Nations Security Council passed a US-British draft resolution Thursday to extend the mandate of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq for up to12 months .

  23. 据法新社报道,联合国定于10日发布的报告称,美国、欧洲和日本在科技研发投入方面受到以中国为首的亚洲国家的严峻挑战。

    Asia , led by China , is fast challenging the US , Europe and Japan in spending on scientific research and development , according to a UN report to be published Wednesday .

  24. 联合国支持酷刑受害者日

    United Nations Day in Support of Victims of Torture

  25. 自闭症日也是联合国三大疾病日之一。

    WAAD is one of only three United Nations Days that focus on specific diseases .

  26. 联合国世界消费者权利日

    United Nations World Consumer Rights Day

  27. 全世界的国家与组织为这一联合国指定的人口日举办活动。

    Nations and organizations worldwide are holding events to mark the population milestone on this United Nations-appointed day .

  28. 联合国在国际减灾日前夕发布了报告。

    The UN released its report on the eve of the International Day for Disaster and Risk Reduction .

  29. 阿拉伯联合酋长国已于日前宣布,禁止将如狮子或老虎等野生动物作为宠物饲养。

    The United Arab Emirates ( UAE ) has outlawed the keeping of wild animals , like lions or tigers , as pets .

  30. 她表示,她希望并且相信,交战各方将遵守联合国关于“平静日”的要求,允许防疫人员安全地完成他们的工作。

    She says she hopes and believes the warring factions will abide by the U.N. 's call for a so-called " Days of Tranquility " and allow the vaccinators to do their job in safety .