
  • 网络JTF;Joint Task Force;CTF;CJTF-HOA
  1. 加拿大联合特遣部队(JTF2)于1993年建立。2001年“9·11”事件后,随即扩编数百名成员。

    Created in 1993 and expanded to several hundred members following the September 11th , 2001 terrorist attacks , Canada 's Joint Task Force 2 is an elite counter-terrorism and special operations unit .

  2. 加拿大联合特遣部队驻扎在阿富汗的时候大多只是从事监视活动,但在地面大部队到达之前,他们也与美国海豹突击队之类的其他特种部队一同工作。

    The force 's time in Afghanistan is largely guarded but it is known they were involved before most ground forces arrived and worked beside other special forces , like the US Navy SEALs .