
  1. 联合国南苏丹特派团表示,至少有20名在南苏丹东北部地区联合国营地寻求避难的平民在袭击中死亡,另有两名印度籍维和士兵死亡。这是南苏丹本周爆发族裔冲突以来首次致死联合国人员。

    The UN Mission in South Sudan says at least 20 of the civilians who sought refuge in a UN base in the country 's northeast have been killed in an attack , which also left two Indian peacekeepers dead . It was the first announcement of UN fatalities from this week 's upsurge of ethnic-based violence in the country .

  2. 我们赞赏联合国驻南苏丹特派团履行职责的努力,对特派团营地遭武装袭击深表关切。

    We commend the efforts of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan to fulfill its mandate and express our deep concern about the armed attacks that were led against UN bases in the country .