
  1. 耿雁生上校在例行新闻发布会上表示美中两国军队将举行联合反海盗海上军事演习。

    Colonel Geng Yansheng said at a regular press conference that the two militaries will hold joint anti-piracy maritime exercises .

  2. 然而,正如耿雁生周四发表的言论所表明的,有关网络间谍活动的连续报道已迫使北京公开叫板华盛顿。

    Yet the continued publicity over cyber spying has now forced Beijing to confront Washington publicly , as Mr Geng made clear on Thursday .

  3. 在周四举行的近一个小时的记者会上,与会的中国记者就上述事件反复追问中国国防部发言人耿雁生。

    Mr. Peng , the defense ministry spokesman , was asked repeatedly about the incident by Chinese reporters attending Thursday 's nearly one-hour press conference .

  4. 新闻发布会上,中国国防部发言人耿雁生完全没有谈及外国军机进入中国防空识别区所引发的危险事件。

    In the press conference , the Chinese defense ministry spokesman made no suggestion any dangerous incidents arose from the foreign military flights into the zone .

  5. 耿雁生说,中国军方出动了侦察机、预警机和战斗机,赴有关空域执行识别查证等任务。

    ' The Chinese military has dispatched reconnaissance , early warning and fighter aircraft to the relative airspace and identified and managed the activities , ' Mr. Geng said .