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ɡěnɡ zhí
  • upright;honest and frank
耿直 [gěng zhí]
  • [just and upright] 刚毅正直

  • 为人耿直,不善词令

  • 他是耿直人

  1. 他不但才华横溢,而且为人耿直。

    Not only was he talented , he was also very upright .

  2. 阿甘性格耿直,做事认真,诚实守信,虽然智力低下,但生活态度乐观向上,以一种平和宽厚的态度对待周围的一切,执着的追寻美好的爱情。

    Forrest Gump is upright , honest and trustworthy . Although mentally retarded , he has an optimistic attitude to life and generous attitude towards everything around .

  3. 奥运游泳运动员在线直播激起千层浪,泳坛逗比小花,耿直洪荒girl,傅爷火了!

    Olympic swimmer makes huge splash in China 's live-streaming world

  4. 一位痴迷于GDP增长的党政领袖,也是一位性格耿直、喜欢责难下属的正在崛起的政治明星。

    The blunt party chief obsessed with GDP growth and rising political star who likes to chastise his subordinates .

  5. 伪善;伪�我是个耿直坦率的人,我讨厌虚伪。

    I 'm a blunt straightforward man ; I hate sham .

  6. 许多人被他的耿直惹得不愉快。

    A lot of people are offended by his bluntness .

  7. 他是诚实耿直的典范。

    He was a paragon of honesty and uprightness .

  8. 也许他们太耿直,或者说话不中听。

    Maybe they were too candid or outspoken .

  9. 我觉得你是个耿直的人。

    I guessed you 're a straight biack .

  10. 他是一位耿直之士。

    He is an honest and frank person .

  11. 韩佳:耿直说的是一个人性格很正直,直爽。

    " Geng Zhi " describes a person who 's very upright and straight forward .

  12. 他是个耿直之人,一向知无不言,言无不尽。

    He is honest and frank , and always says everything he knows without reserve .

  13. 立方体、方形、骰子-坚毅、学问、耿直和公正。

    Cubes , squares or dice - Constancy , wisdom , verity probity , and equity .

  14. 黑色:表现公正无私的;表现暴躁、鲁莽、耿直的。

    Black : Stand for fair and square ; the exhibition is angry , impertinence and honest .

  15. 林散之是一位饱学诗人,也是一位重情、淡泊、耿直、幽默、自信、悲悯的书法家。

    Lin Sanzhi is a learned poet as well as a straightforward , humorous and confident calligrapher .

  16. 这充分体现了中国知识分子的耿直&中国优良美德之一。

    This is a sample of the intellectual integrity which is one of China 's greatest virtues .

  17. 认为张戒为人耿直、为官清廉的人品在某种程度上也影响到了其诗歌美学思想;

    We consider that the abstention manner straightforwardly and the official incorruptible moral behavior affects its poetry esthetics thought to a certain extent .

  18. 中国游泳队小将傅园慧因赛后采访中的耿直言论和夸张表情迅速走红社交媒体。

    Fu Yuanhui , one of China 's swimming stars , became an overnight social media sensation thanks to her frank post-race interviews and exaggerated expressions .

  19. 可是老师生性耿直,不知道官场的利害,因此许多人都冷落他、排挤他、压制他。

    However , a teacher was straightforward , did not know the government formidable , therefore many people all treated coldly him , pushed aside him , suppressed him .

  20. 1974年,苏联伊留申设计局设计了伊尔-76中程中型运输机,北约代号“耿直”。

    The Ilyushin Il-76 ( NATO designation Candid ) was fielded by the Soviet Air Force in1974 as a medium range , medium payload , rough surface capable cargo aircraft .