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  1. 为了说明方法和对本节所表示的概念的具体化,将研究一个特殊的边界值问题。

    To illustrate the procedure and to lend concreteness to the ideas expressed in this section , a specific boundary-value problem is studied .

  2. 本节将介绍在Power节点上设置一个新虚拟服务器的步骤。

    This section walks you through the steps of setting up a new virtual server on a Power node .

  3. 本节只讨论其中的两类:金属离子钝化剂和过氧化物分解剂。

    Only two types will be included in present discussion : metal-ion deactivators and peroxide decomposers .

  4. 本节解释如何构造针对ImageServices定制的ImageServices系统配置数据库。

    This section explains the construction of an Image Services system configuration database customized to an Image Services installation .

  5. 本节提供一些技巧,以确保您的应用程序利用XML的灵活性。

    This section offers some tips to ensure that your applications exploit XML flexibility .

  6. 本节将解释Signals视图。

    This section explains the Signals View .

  7. 完成本节中的步骤来使用预构建的Fabric解决方案。

    Complete the steps in this section to use the pre-built Fabric solution .

  8. 本节以网络应用程序的形式提供了一个Blue示例。

    This section provides an example of Blue in the form of a networking application .

  9. 本节描述LotusDomino和Web服务。

    This section describes Lotus Domino and Web services .

  10. 本节讨论将附加菜单添加到LotusNotes的一些特性。

    This section discusses some features that contribute additional menus to Lotus Notes .

  11. 在本节中,我们将研究PHP名称空间的工作方式。

    In this section , we look at how namespaces work in PHP .

  12. 本节将讨论为LotusConnections所使用数据正确创建索引的推荐步骤。

    This section discusses the recommended steps to index data used by Lotus Connections properly .

  13. 本节中,您将创建一个针对JAX-RSweb服务资源的Spring客户端。

    You will create a Spring client for a JAX-RS web service resource in this section .

  14. 本节定义逻辑卷管理器(LogicalVolumeManager,LVM)并介绍它的一些特性。

    This section defines the Logical Volume Manager ( LVM ) and introduces some of its features .

  15. 本节描述如何在VisualC++中建立一个工程、导入源代码并进行编译。

    This section describes how to set up a project in Visual C + + , import the source code , and compile it .

  16. 本节通过示例演示如何从LotusConnections实现更新和删除内容。

    This section provides examples of how to update and delete contents from your Lotus Connections implementation .

  17. 本节将提供用于恢复JSF表单数据的Java方法。

    This section presents the Java methods that are used to restore the data of the JSF form .

  18. 因此,本节忽略这些细节,而将重点放在较为棘手的部分:这些XML输入stage的“Columns”设置。

    Therefore , this section omits these details and focuses on the tricky parts : the " Columns " settings of these XML input stages .

  19. 本节中的示例设计用于样例公司“GreatOutdoorsCo.,Ltd”。

    The examples described in this section were designed for the sample company " Great Outdoors Co. , Ltd " .

  20. 本节探讨在消息传输中WebSphereMQ更改消息的不同方式。

    This section explores different ways that a message can be changed by WebSphere MQ during transmission .

  21. 本节介绍如何使用WSDL端口类型接口和Java™实现开发样例服务组件。

    This section describes how to develop the sample service component with the WSDL port type interface and Java ™ implementation .

  22. 如果您熟悉SSL的过程,可以跳过本节。

    If you 're familiar with the SSL procedure , feel free to skip this section .

  23. 在讨论SYSTEM和应用程序资源的配置文件之前,本节介绍backstop配置文件,它们为类提供一个基线设置。

    Before considering profiles for SYSTEM and application resources , this section describes backstop profiles , which provide a baseline setting for the class .

  24. 本节将介绍Linux中常用的3种虚拟化方法,以及它们相应的优缺点。

    This section introduces you to three of the most common methods of virtualization in Linux and identifies their relative strengths and weaknesses .

  25. 本节将介绍SAP负载测试中的一些常见问题,以及如何避免它们。

    This section describes some of the common problems with SAP load tests and how to avoid them .

  26. 本节主要探讨了有损压缩的评价,分别比较了CR图像压缩效果和CT图像压缩效果。

    In this chapter , we have explored the evaluation on lossy compression and studied comparatively the effects of CR and CT images compressions respectively .

  27. 本节将围绕这些功能构建一个简单的PHP应用程序,从而允许用户使用GoogleBaseDataAPI添加和删除事件清单。

    This section will build a simple PHP application around these functions , allowing users to add and delete event listings using the Google Base Data API .

  28. 本节展示如何创建一个测试客户端,以观察IBMsolidDBHighAvailability如何影响应用程序。

    This section shows you how to create a test client so that you can see how IBM solidDB High Availability affects applications .

  29. 本节讨论SELECT等DML语句的转换会遇到的问题。

    This section deals with specific issues that come up during conversion of DML statements like SELECT .

  30. 在本节中,您将学习如何启动shell并了解一些进行基本数据库存储和检索的命令。

    In this section , you will learn how to start the shell and see examples of some basic commands to do basic data storage and retrieval .