
  • 网络Essential will;natural will
  1. 西方哲学传统将人的本质看作理性、意志、情感等三要素的统一。

    Human nature , in western philosophy , is regarded as unity of logos , volition and emotion .

  2. 单位犯罪概念应当明确单位犯罪区别于自然人犯罪的本质特征即单位意志。

    The concept of crime unit crime units should be clearly distinguished from the essential characteristics of the natural crime unit will .

  3. 在尼采看来,人们只能认识表面世界即亲手造就的世界,不能认识本质世界即权力意志的世界;

    In Nietzsche 's view , people can only know surface world , that is , the world brought up personally , and not to know the world of a power will , that is , essential world ;

  4. 这情况发生在新阿提刻酒神颂的发展过程中,它的音乐不再表现内在的本质,不再表现意志本身,而只用概念来直接模拟现象,大致描出它的轮廓罢了。

    This takes place in the development of the New Attic Dithyramb , the music of which no longer expressed the inner essence , the will itself , but only rendered the phenomenon inadequately , in an imitation by means of concepts .