
  • 网络post-master
  1. 他于1972年荣获纽约市立大学法律哲学硕士后,曾服务于驻韩国美国维和部队两年。

    After receiving his Master Degree in the Philosophy of Law from the New York City University in1972 , he lived in Korea as a member of the US Peace Corps for two years .

  2. 他在获得马萨诸塞州立大学达特茅斯分校计算机电子与工程硕士学位后于2000年7月加入IBM。

    He joined IBM in July 2000 , after finishing his Masters degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth .

  3. 这位踌躇满志的21岁女孩希望在明年夏季获得法国巴黎HEC商学院(HECbusinessschool)国际金融硕士学位后开启财富管理的职业生涯。

    The ambitious 21 year old wants to start a career in wealth management next summer following a masters in international finance at HEC business school in Paris .

  4. 在加州大学伯克利分校(UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley)获得硕士学位后,他曾在硅谷最早的芯片制造商飞兆半导体(FairchildSemiconductor)担任研究员。

    He had followed a postgraduate degree at the University of California , Berkeley with a job as a research scientist at Fairchild Semiconductor , Silicon Valley 's original chipmaker .

  5. 伯恩斯于1980年以暑期实习生的身份开始在Xerox工作,一年后拿到硕士学位后正式加盟该公司。

    Burns first worked for Xerox in1980 as a summer intern and joined a year later after her master 's degree .

  6. 获得哈佛大学计算机科学硕士学位后,柳青加入高盛(GoldmanSachs),2002年从初级分析师做起,一步步晋升为董事总经理。

    After a masters at Harvard in computer science , Ms Liu cut her teeth at Goldman Sachs , starting in 2002 as a junior analyst and working her way up to managing director .

  7. 贝聿铭出生于中国,1930年代移居美国。1948年,在哈佛大学获得建筑学硕士学位后不久,他受聘于威廉·泽肯多夫(WilliamZeckendorf),在泽肯多夫的公司齐氏威奈(Webb&Knapp)主持建筑设计工作。

    Pei , who was born in China and moved to the United States in the 1930s , was hired by William Zeckendorf in 1948 , shortly after he received his graduate degree in architecture from Harvard , to oversee the design of buildings produced by Zeckendorf 's firm , Webb & Knapp .

  8. 雷根特商学院的学生毕业拿到工商管理学硕士学位后会做什么?

    Woman : What do graduates from Regent Business School do when they 've got their MBAs ?

  9. 在菲斯克大学获得硕士学位后,我去了耶鲁大学,完成了博士学业。

    After receiving my master 's at Fisk , I went on to Yale to complete my PhD .

  10. 她在海外十年,在取得了工商管理硕士学位后,就在我公司美国总部工作。

    In the ten years overseas , she got a degree of MBA and worked in our main office in America .

  11. 从事我的硕士学位后,我想在意大利或中国从事我的事业。

    After being engaged in my Master 's degree , I think of cause being engaged in me in Italy or China .

  12. 拿到硕士学位后,他准备前往朋友在特克斯的牧场,中途,他去米兰拜访了朋友。

    Master 's degree in hand , he headed for6 a buddy 's ranch in Tacson and stopped to visit friends in Midland .

  13. 在亚里桑那大学得到了艺术硕士学位后,华莱士于1993年开始在诺马尔的伊利诺斯的州立大学教授写作。

    After earning a master 's degree in fine arts from the University of Arizona , Wallace began teaching writing at Illinois State University in Normal in1993 .

  14. 在英国爱丁堡大学取得硕士学位后,他就职于美国博通公司,做了4年的工程师。

    He graduated with an MA from the University of Edinburgh in the UK and has been working as an engineer at Broadcom Corporation for four years .

  15. 在获得了一个中国历史硕士学位后,她开始研究家族的过去,她对从未有人提起的祖父尤其感兴趣。

    After receiving a masters in Chinese history she delved into her family 's past , especially curious about her grandfather , whom no one ever spoke of .

  16. 2009年,在取得北京科技大学计算机科学硕士学位后,张骞与一家在纳斯达克上市的北京私企签订了劳动合同。

    After getting his master 's degree in computer science from Beijing University of Technology in2009 , Zhang signed a job contract with a Nasdaq-listed private company in Beijing .

  17. 进入工程硕士班后,跟指导教师商讨,决定以室内装饰织物设计为主要研究方向。

    Technology and business . After attending project master team , the author decide to take decorative fabric design as the main research direction by discussing with mentor , professor Gu Ping .

  18. 在拿到鲍登学院的学士学位和哈佛大学的硕士学位后,他返回纽约,运用所学到的知识,确保下一代能够拥有平等的机会。

    After graduating from Bowdoin and getting his masters at Harvard , he returned to New York city and used his education to ensure that the next generation would have a chance at the same opportunity .

  19. 由于研究生人数的不断增加,很多人发现花了大量的时间、精力和财力拿到一个硕士学位后,仍然很难找到理想的工作。

    Because of the rumble in master 's graduates , numerous have found it tough to find the kind of job they would had anticipated later providing so much time , energy and money in getting their degrees .

  20. 重任在身的商学院为生源竞争,学员们则渴望获得硕士学位后在金融界建功立业。某些学者的定量技巧被对冲基金所追逐,它们已准备好付给他们数量足以改变他们人生的咨询费。

    Hard-pressed business schools competed for students eager to forge careers in finance after they completed their masters ' degrees . The quantitative skills of certain academics were sought by hedge funds that were prepared to pay them life-changing sums in consultancy fees .

  21. 李祥林在南开大学学习经济学,而就在他通过硕士学位考试后,加拿大发出了邀请。

    Li studied economics , and had just passed his master 's examinations when the Canadians came calling .

  22. 两年前我在北京大学获得工商管理硕士,毕业后我特别注意实践经验的积累。

    Two years ago I got an MBA at Beijing University . And I have focused on accumulation of practical experience as much as possible since the .

  23. 但是,他依然肯定地认为我在你们国家完成了电脑硕士的学位后将留在美国而不回来。

    However , he still concluded that he believes that I will not come back after the completion of my Master 's degree in computer science in your country .

  24. 硕士及学士后文凭课程学生须于学期开始时开学,而博士生则须于每个月首天开学。

    Students of Master 's and Postgraduate Diploma programmes must commence study at the beginning of a teaching term , while doctoral students must commence on the1st day of a month .

  25. 在对当地硕士课程进行研究后,她很快锁定了慕尼黑工业大学(TechnicalUniversityofMunich)。

    Her search for a university master 's program quickly brought her to the Technical University of Munich .

  26. 拿到哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)的工商管理硕士(MBA)后,自己就立志要成为创建数码时尚产业的第一人。

    I had an MBA from Columbia University and was determined to be the first to construct a digital fashion industry .

  27. 柯爱伦于塔夫斯大学(Tufts)获得机械工程学士学位,之后于西北大学(NorthwesternUniversity)获得管理硕士学位。毕业后,她曾就职于通用电气(GeneralElectric)。

    With a master 's degree in management from Northwestern University which she received after studying mechanical engineering at Tufts Ellen Kullman headed to General Electric .

  28. 硕士:2-3年后的学士学位和入学考试。

    Master 's : 2-3 years after bachelor 's degree and entrance examination .

  29. 物种在自然条件下的变异率极小,产生无核的几率更小,经激光广西大学硕士学位论文作用后,突变几率有了明显的提高,但数量级仍然很小。

    Species variation ratio is very little in nature condition , the ratio can be rised by Laser but still little .

  30. 分析植株相关品质可知,拔节前植株蛋白质含量较高,11扬州大学硕士学位论文拔节后植株蛋白质含量呈下降趋势,而蛋白质积累量和中性洗涤纤维积累量呈上升趋势。

    According to the quality analysis , plant protein content was high before jointing stage , then it declined , but protein yield and NDF kept rising .