
  • 网络Freedom and Civilization
  1. 金钱、自由与文明

    Money freedom and civilization

  2. 它就是博爱和自由、公正与文明、和平与发展的化身。

    It is love and freedom , justice and civilization , the embodiment of peace and development .

  3. 他们认为这种作法与目前高度尊崇自由与个性的文明社会不一致。

    They think this practice does not coincide with the civilized world in which liberty and individuality are worshiped highly .

  4. 思想的自由与禁锢对近代文明进程的影响

    The Influence of Thinking Freedom or Restriction on the Evolution Process of Modern Society

  5. 只有审美想象的自由才是真正的自由,也才是人的本质的最大可能的实现。只有人的自由本质的最大可能的实现,才可能有自由和谐的文化与文明。

    Only aesthetic freedom is just real freedom , which means to realize human essence furthest ; only human essence realizes furthest , we can have free , harmonious culture and civilization .