
  • 网络self-revealing;self-revelation
  1. 认知-行为的管理、提问、自我揭示和含糊等是实现成功跨文化交际的有效策略。

    Cognitive-behavioral management , question-asking , self-revealing , euphemism and vagueness are useful strategies to achieve successful intercultural communication .

  2. 就解释学来说,理解意味着意义的自我揭示与价值的生成。

    Theoretically speaking , understanding implies the self-revealing of meaning and the forming of the value .

  3. 而灵异的事物总会自我揭示。

    And the mysteries all seemed to unravel themselves .

  4. 依据传统的辩论主义,任何一方当事人皆无义务必须为对方当事人提供武器,也无义务自我揭示不利事实的证据资料。

    On the basis of the traditional doctrine of debate , one of the parties are obliged to provide the other party with weapons , have no obligation self revealed unfavorable evidence .

  5. 尽管一些评论家的研究涉及诗歌中自我揭示的主题,但是他们缺乏对诗人运用象征主义手法过程的系统研究,也没有提及诗人通过象征手法所揭示的自我世界及生活意义。

    Although some have touched on the topic of revealing the poet 's self in the poems , they did not go far enough to explore how it comes to a successful application of symbolism to his poems to reveal the poet 's self and the meaning of life .

  6. 第二章主要分析《无名的裘德》对父权思想压抑女性自我的揭示,从而显示哈代鲜明的女性主义意识。

    Chapter Two analyzes female oppression by patriarchal ideology in Jude the Obscure , especially with regard to the heroine , Sue .

  7. 表现主义绘画作品重在崇尚自我感受,揭示事物的本质。

    Expressionist paintings lies advocating self-feelings , reveal the essence of things .

  8. 她的作品主要通过描写妇女的婚姻、自我的状态来揭示当时妇女的生存困境。

    Her works focus on the predicament of women by revealing their states of marriage and selfhood .

  9. 本文从“生存论”的哲学观出发,探究“少数民族哲学”的“自我理解”,揭示少数民族哲学研究的意义和价值。

    From the perspective of survivalism , the author discusses the " self-understanding " in " minority philosophy " in order to reveal the significance and value of the study of the minority philosophy .