
  1. 你知道,有很多体系是朝向一个自营方式靠拢的,所以我们说的一切就是要说明我们需要一些抗衡力。

    There 's clearly a huge ecosystem committed to proprietary approaches , as you know . And so all we 're saying is we want some counterbalance .

  2. 电信运营商在经历高速发展后,用户数持续增长,营销渠道也由单一的自营方式发展成自营、合作、指定专营、特约代理等多种多样的营销渠道体系。

    With years of development of the telecommunications operators , clients have doubled and redoubled , and marketing channels have changed from self-management style only to specified franchise , special agents and other styles .

  3. 我们很乐意对那些想要跟我们在标准基础上的运算构架方面合作的人们投资,而那些认为还要采取自营方式的人,他们已经作出了自己的商业决策。

    People that want to work with us to get to standards based computing models , we are very open and willing to invest in . People that feel that they 've to stay on proprietary approaches , they 've made a business decision .

  4. 我的意思是,一些合作伙伴可以采取自营交易的方式,但是我们认为他们应该采取开放的方式。

    I mean , partners will go pick a proprietary approach ; we think they should be committed to open standards .

  5. 越来越多的国内企业通过自营出口的直接方式参与国际市场的竞争。

    More and more domestic enterprises take part in the international market competition by exporting themselves .