
  1. 我们第一单想尝试下,如果一切走的顺利的话,我们可以就A产品下长期订单。

    We will place a trial order for the product A before following big quantities if everything goes smoothly !

  2. 我们今年库存剩的不多了。我们希望能跟您建立一个长期的订单。

    We don 't have much at stock this year but we really hope to establish a long-term order with you .

  3. 不过,对一家产品供应因其自身极其注重细节的制造流程而受限的企业而言,控制订单数量以防止长期积压订单和客户不满可能并不容易。

    But for a business whose supply is constrained by its own meticulous man # 173 ; u # 173 ; facturing process , keeping ord # 173 ; ers in check to avoid long backlogs and unhappy customers may not prove easy .