
  1. 长冈乡是江西省兴国县的一个乡。

    Changkang Township is in Hsingkuo County , Kiangsi Province .

  2. 要造成几千个长冈乡,几十个兴国县。

    We must create thousands of townships like Changkang and scores of counties like Hsingkuo .

  3. 我们要学习长冈乡、才溪乡,反对汀州市那样的官僚主义的领导者!

    We should learn from Changkang and Tsaihsi Townships and oppose bureaucratic leaders like those in Tingchow city .

  4. 长冈乡有一个贫苦农民被火烧掉了一间半房子,乡政府就发动群众捐钱帮助他。

    In Changkang when fire broke out in a poor peasant 's house destroying one and a half rooms , the township government appealed to the masses to contribute money to help him .