
chánɡ chénɡ nèi wài
  • both sides of the Great Wall
  1. 边疆内地化背景下地域经济整合与社会变迁&清代陕北长城内外的个案考察

    Regional Economic Integration and Social Change in the context of the frontier into inland : An Example of the Northern Shaanxi areas Both Sides of the Great Wall in the Qing

  2. 长期以来又是长城内外主要贸易集散地。

    A long period of time is the major trading centers both inside and outside the Great Wall .

  3. 当今重庆火锅遍布长城内外,大江南北、四海之内均可同享重庆火锅之口福。

    Chongqing hot pot all over the Great Wall today , both inside and outside , across and within the four seas can share the tasting of Chongqing hot pot .

  4. 另外,自古以来,在长城内外,中原政权与游牧民族既对立,又互动,关系密切,且难以分割,而魏燕之间关系的演变发展,也充分的证明了这一点。

    Since ancient times , the Great Wall , the Central Plains regime and nomads of opposites , but also to interact closely related to and inseparable relationship between Wei Yan to evolve , but also fully proved this point .