
  • 网络Force of Nature;The Power of Nature;natural forces;Mother Nature
  1. 自然的力量支持着我。

    Turns out mother nature gave something back to me .

  2. 我指的最起码的生活必需品自然的力量

    I mean the bare necessities are Mother Nature 's recipes

  3. 我才明白这种自然的力量是什么。

    Do I understand who this force of nature really was .

  4. 外层的涂料被自然的力量所损坏。

    Outside paint that had been damaged by the elements .

  5. 她的绘画作品充满了一种自然的力量。

    Her paintings are infused with a natural strength .

  6. 想象力赋予人类超越自然的力量。

    The imagination is man 's power over nature .

  7. 马蹄在这里是自然的力量、实在的生命。

    Marty was a force of nature and a fact of life here .

  8. 我召唤了自然的力量:风雨还有其他的

    I call upon the elements : Wind , rain , et cetera .

  9. 他们提到自然的力量

    They 're talking about the power of nature

  10. 但是他警告称,无论你的建筑多么强壮坚固,自然的力量总是更强大的。

    But he cautions , not matter how strong you make a building , nature is stronger .

  11. 我认为他并不是说科学是不可预测的、不可知的,或是超乎自然的力量。

    I don 't think he meant that science is full of unpredictable or unknowable or supernatural forces .

  12. 它是自然的力量,只有那些最勇敢的军队胆敢在战斗中挑战它们。

    It is a force of nature that only the most courageous of armies would dare challenge in battle .

  13. 毕竟,这是两种力量的碰撞:自然的力量和人的本性。

    Here , after all , were two forms of nature in collision : the elements and human character .

  14. 他瞧她睡了一会儿,但是他也无法抵抗自然的力量,

    He watched over her slumber for some time , but Nature proved to be too strong for him .

  15. 科罗拉多州中部巍峨的高山上,自然的力量创造了一幅美丽的风景画,有着高山湖,

    In the Rocky Mountains of Central Colorado , the forces of nature create a landscape of alpine lakes ,

  16. 从外在来看,人的生命比之自然的力量来说是微不足道的。

    The life of Man , viewed outwardly , is but a small thing in comparison with the forces of Nature .

  17. 城市的颜色也不会变化,因为自然的力量不足以像改变树林的颜色那样来改变城市。

    The colors of the city don 't change because nature is not powerful enough to change them as she changes the color of woods .

  18. 此外,正是由于亏损如此普遍,一些投资经理对此满不在乎,认为这是一种自然的力量。

    Moreover , precisely because the losses were so widespread , some investment managers are apt to shrug them off , as a force of nature .

  19. 爱因斯坦所指的“神秘世界”是什么?我认为他并不是说科学是不可预测的、不可知的,或是超乎自然的力量。

    Did Einstein me an by " the mysterious ?" I don 't think he meant that science is full of unpredictable or unknowable or supernatural forces .

  20. 既然我们被赋予按照我们的愿望改造自然的力量,为什么我们没有权利使用它?

    Has not Nature proved , in giving us the strength necessary to submit them to our desires , that we have the right to do so ?

  21. 我知道在我们周围充满了神奇,所以我写下了关于偶遇,预感,感情,梦想,自然的力量,魔术的故事。

    I 'm aware of the mystery around us , so I write about coincidences , premonitions , emotions , dreams , the power of nature , magic .

  22. 她肤如凝脂、容颜俏丽、气质沉静,这是神与自然的力量所结合的美。

    Venus'smooth skin , gorgeous appearance and elegant temperament embody beauty and provide a point of connection between the forces of the gods and the forces of nature .

  23. 在加拿大,自然的力量甚至能创造出一种反自然的力量来。比如,河水能倒流,一直流向源头。

    The forces of nature manage and to create phenomena that are decidedly unnatural , like rivers that run in the opposite direction , going back up their own course .

  24. 仍然具有这种信念,普通人比自然的力量或人造的机器更伟大,并且最终会掌控它们。

    There was still the faith that ordinary men are greater than the powers of nature or the mechanisms of man 's hands and will master them all in the end .

  25. 古希腊人敬畏自然的力量,他们以神话解释这种力量并将它融入其宗教、故事和历史中。

    The ancient Greeks revered the power of nature ; with myth , they made sense of it and they infused it in their religion , their stories , their history .

  26. 《呼啸山庄》中希刺克厉夫对不公平反抗的复仇没有反思与忏悔,它通向的是无怨无悔的死亡,这是自然的力量。

    Revenge is from the unfair circumstance . There is no regret in the revenge of Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights . It seems so powerful . It is the power of nature .

  27. 科罗拉多州中部巍峨的高山上,自然的力量创造了一幅美丽的风景画,有着高山湖,充满生命的高海拔池塘,长满野花的高山草原。

    In the Rocky Mountains of Central Colorado , the forces of nature create a landscape of alpine lakes , high-altitude ponds teeming with life and mountain meadows bursting with wild flowers .

  28. 当我在收成时一手拔起那萝卜时,我真的开心的欢呼,第一次感受到宇宙自然的力量是何其伟大!

    When it was time to harvest , I truly shouted with joy when I pulled my first radish from the soil , and felt the infinite power of nature and the universe !

  29. 当这种专注没有不执相伴并因此继续留下无明时,修行者将达到无身之神的状态,或融入自然的力量中。

    When such concentration is not accompanied by non-attachment , and ignorance therefore remains , the aspirant will reach the state of the disincarnate gods or become merged in the forces of Nature .

  30. 对一件事不发表任何意见,使我们的灵魂不受扰乱,这是在我们力量范围之内的事情,因为事物本身并没有自然的力量形成我们的判断。

    It is in our power to have no opinion about a thing , and not to be disturbed in our soul ; for things themselves have no natural power to form our judgements .