
zì xǔ
  • Boastful;call;pretend;brag and boast;crack one-self up;praise oneself;crack oneself up;sing one's own praise
自诩 [zì xǔ]
  • [sing one's own praise;praise oneself;crack one-self up] 自夸

自诩[zì xǔ]
  1. 我不敢自诩为这方面的专家。

    I make no pretence to being an expert on the subject .

  2. 我只是想解释一下而已,绝无自诩清高之意。

    I was only trying to explain ; I didn 't want to sound patronizing .

  3. 在这一次讲座中,我不敢自诩能对梦境作透彻的分析。

    Within this lecture I cannot pretend to deal adequately with dreams .

  4. 他强烈批评那些无视莎士比亚的自诩为教育专家的人。

    He fiercely criticised self-styled educational experts for ignoring Shakespeare .

  5. 她滔滔不绝地说着。她自诩很平静,她的口气却包含着一种强自抑制的兴奋情绪。

    She went on , boasting of her quietness , yet speaking with a kind of contained exaltation .

  6. 美国自诩这些“深入的”双边协议远远超越世界贸易组织(wto)的现有协议。

    The US prides itself on " deep " bilateral deals that go much further than existing World Trade Organisation agreements .

  7. 对于自诩为黑人巴菲特(blackWarrenBuffett)的Jay-Z来说,赚钱远比花钱有趣。

    Accumulating money fascinates the self-described black Warren Buffett far more than spending it .

  8. 星巴克(Starbucks)自诩拥有8.7万种饮品组合;超市里的货品琳琅满目。

    Starbucks boasts about its 87,000 drink combinations ; supermarkets are packed with options .

  9. 对于自诩为“黑人巴菲特”(blackWarrenBuffett)的Jay-Z来说,赚钱远比花钱有趣。

    Accumulating money fascinates the self-described " black Warren Buffett " far more than spending it .

  10. 这一缺点是如今被广泛应用的计算学科的基础,该学科自诩为人工智能(AI),这个绰号有点让人误解。

    This failing is basic to the now-widespread computing discipline that has arrogated to itself the slightly misleading moniker of artificial intelligence ( AI ) .

  11. 然而,若宫向世人证明了,并不是所有的老年人都对科技望而生畏,她自诩ICT的倡导者,即“信息”(information)、“沟通(communication)”和“技术(technology)”。

    However , she is showing others that not all elderly individuals are afraid of technology and refers to herself as an ICT Evangelists , which stands for ' information ' , ' communication ' and ' technology ' .

  12. 不过,一些自诩为这位英国经济学家追随者的人目前发起了一项行动,淡化他对于有效需求的分析,而支持所谓的动物精神(AnimalSpirits)。

    Yet there is now a campaign by some who regard themselves as his followers to play down the British economist 's analysis of effective demand in favour of something they call animal spirits .

  13. 对于非常驻居民而言,自诩监管较松和税赋较轻的最大金融中心是伦敦、卢森堡、都柏林、海峡群岛(channelislands)、直布罗陀、摩纳哥以及欧洲后院许多其它地区。

    The largest centres of boastfully light regulation and light taxes for non-residents were London , Luxembourg , Dublin , the Channel Islands , Gibraltar , Monaco and many other locations in the European backyard .

  14. 在今年9月份的匹兹堡峰会上,由世界主要国家组成的20国集团(g20)自诩为“国际经济合作的首要论坛”。

    The group of 20 leading nations designated itself as " the premier forum for our international economic co-operation " at the Pittsburgh summit in September .

  15. 去年12月,黑客潜入探索诊断公司(QuestDiagnostics)得到了3.4万份病人记录,其中包括实验室成果。该公司自诩拥有全世界最大的临床实验室数据库。

    In December , hackers infiltrated Quest Diagnostics , which boasts the world 's largest clinical lab database , and gained access to 34000 patient records , including laboratory results .

  16. 自诩为“世界的物流公司”的DHL提供通过铁路、公路、海路及空中的运输。

    DHL calls itself the " logistics company for the world , " providing transportation via rail , road , sea and air .

  17. SPiN号称拥有自诩为乒乓球宣传大使的女演员苏珊萨兰登(SusanSarandon)等好莱坞投资者,在纽约、洛杉矶和多伦多开设了俱乐部。

    Boasting Hollywood investors such as the actress Susan Sarandon , a self-described ping pong propagandist , SPiN has clubs in New York , Los Angeles and Toronto .

  18. 自诩为CareGuide“首席执行爸爸”的约翰·菲利普·格林表示,他能预见NannyLane将会把共享经济带到儿童保育领域。

    John Philip Green , who calls himself the " chief executive dad " of CareGuide , says he could foresee the site bringing the sharing economy to child care .

  19. 正如全港第一家酒店HongKongHotel在十九世纪自我标榜为远东地区最宽敞、最佳委任酒店,而上述几家酒店都只敢自诩在亚洲出类拔萃。

    Like the citys first hotel , the Hong Kong Hotel , which described itself in the 19th century as the most commodious and best-appointed hotel in the Far East , all these hotels could justly lay claim to being among the finest in Asia .

  20. 它们还是酒店spa中心的特色项目,该中心自诩从松露中提取的混合物富含维生素、矿物质以及多酚类物质,对皮肤的疗效就如同“天然肉毒杆菌”(Botox)般神奇。

    They also feature on the menu at the hotel spa , which claims its truffle-derived cocktail of vitamins , minerals and polyphenols works as a " natural Botox " for the skin .

  21. 自诩为人们可以负担得起的奢侈品牌Coach,大约95%的手袋、珠宝和鞋子面向两个市场销售:美国和日本。该公司重点通过自有店铺进行销售。

    Coach , which promotes itself as an accessible luxury brand , sells about 95 per cent of its bags , jewellery and shoes in two markets , the US and Japan , with a focus on marketing the products through its own stores .

  22. 法国自诩没有小报类的报纸,然而其杂志(《Closer》和《Gala》)和讽刺周刊《鸭鸣报》(CanardEnchaîné)却做着相似的工作(在法国严格的隐私法的允许范围内)。

    France boasts no tabloid newspapers , though it has magazines ( Closer and Gala ) and the satirical weekly Canard Encha î n é that doa similar job ( as far as that country 's strict privacy laws allow ) .

  23. 这家名为Botnik的公司自诩为一家“类人机器娱乐工作室与写作社团。”其成员包括互联网话题分享网站Clickhole前主笔JamieBrew,《纽约客》杂志编辑BobMankoff。

    Botnik describes itself as " a human-machine entertainment studio and writing community , " with members including former Clickhole head writer Jamie Brew , and former New Yorker cartoon editor Bob Mankoff .

  24. 去年第三季度,尽管英国自诩实现经济复苏,但实际人均国内生产总值(GDP)仅与2006年第三季度持平,与2008年第一季度的数字(危机前的峰值)相比则低了1.8%。

    In the third quarter of last year despite the vaunted recovery of the UK economy real gross domestic product per head was the same as in the third quarter of 2006 and 1.8 per cent lower than in the first quarter of 2008 ( the pre-crisis peak ) .

  25. 另一间以标杆自诩的俱乐部是DenisSimachev,店名沿用了老板自己的名字丹尼斯·西马切夫,他是一名设计师,拥有一个走华丽朋克路线的后现代露营品牌,令他驰名于俄罗斯时尚界。

    Another club that bucks the boilerplate is Denis Simachev , owned by the designer of the same name whose brand of punk-opulent postmodern camp has made him big in Russian fashion .

  26. 这家自诩美食荟萃(gastrothèque)的温馨咖啡店店主是乔迪•威廉姆斯(JodyWilliams),他2011年在格林尼治村(GreenwichVillage)开设了几乎一模一样的餐厅,而后意识到传统法式烹饪也可大飨巴黎的美食饕餮。

    Behind this cosy caf é billing itself as a " gastroth è que " is Jody Williams , who opened a nearly identical restaurant in Greenwich Village in 2011 before realising that Paris could also benefit from a dose of old-fashioned French cooking .

  27. 但该党财政事务发言人文斯凯布尔(vincecable)此人自诩为金融和商业专家,尽管他实际上从未给人发过薪水预计,企业家将承担此举的全部风险,而政府则会获得一半的回报。

    But their Treasury spokesman Vince Cable , who claims to be an expert in finance and business , ( although he has never actually dealt with a payroll in his life ) expects entrepreneurs to take all the risk , and the government to take half the reward .

  28. 正如Rawson(1995)所述,委婉语渗透到我们的语言深处,没有哪一个人包括那些自诩言谈最为直截了当的人没有一天不使用委婉语的。

    As Rawson ( 1995 ) puts it , euphemisms " are embedded so deeply in our language that few of us , even those who pride themselves on ( in ) being plain-spoken , ever go through a day without them " .

  29. 要让自诩为宇宙主宰者的人们认清现实需要一个缓慢的过程。

    Self-realization for masters of the universe is a slow process .

  30. 这些自诩对冲基金大佬的家伙们当年真是赶上了好时候!

    Such was the golden era for would-be hedge fund Titans .