
  1. 成都地铁天府广场站盾构机调头技术

    The shield machine turnaround technology in Tianfu square of Chengdu subway

  2. 成都市天府广场综合交通枢纽规划方案研究

    Study on the Planning of the Comprehensive Traffic Hinge for Tianfu Square in Chengdu

  3. 本文以成都市天府广场大型地下综合体结构工程为依托,对地下综合结构进行三维计算研究。

    Based on large underground complex structural engineering in Chengdu Tianfu Square , three-dimensional analysis is performed .

  4. 城市广场人文规划设计述评&以成都天府广场为例

    Review of the Humanistic Planning and Designing of Town Square & Tianfu Square in Chengdu as an Example

  5. 位于成都市中心骡马商业金融圈,为骡马市商区最高建筑物,步行5分钟即可到达天府广场及主要商业中心。

    Located at Luoma commercial and financial circuit , it is5-min-walk to Tianfu Square and the main commercial center .