
  1. 结论:石油醚样品溶液紫外光谱区别川鄂山茱萸和山茱萸最为有效。

    Conclusion : The most effective method to identify the Cornus officinale and Cornus chinensis is the petroleum ether sample solution with UV spectrum .

  2. 鄂拉山东北段都龙超单元地质特征

    Geological characteristics of Dulong super & unit in the northeastern ngola mountain

  3. 鄂拉山北段早二叠世地层研究新进展

    New advance in the study of Early Permian strata in the Northern Sector of the Ela Mountain

  4. 基于斑岩成矿体系结构的深部找矿预测&以鄂东丰山铜金矿田为例

    Prediction for deep ore prospecting based on the structure of a porphyry metallogenic system : according to Fengshan Au-Cu ore field

  5. 以现代地层学的理论为指导,将鄂拉山北段早二叠世地层新建切吉组,划分为三个段级地层单位,即:下段、中段和上段。

    A new Early Permian lithostratigraphic unit & Qieji Formation is established in the Northern Sector of the Ela Mountain and divided into three parts , namely , the upper , middle and lower members .

  6. 鄂东南铜绿山矿田矽卡岩型铜铁金矿床的辉钼矿Re-Os同位素年龄及其地质意义含金夕卡岩矿床产出构造环境和地质地球化学评价标志

    Re-Os dating of molybdenite from Tongl ü shan ore district in southeastern Hubei Province , Middle-Lower Yangtze River belt and its geological significance TECTONIC ENVIRONMENT AND GEOLOGICAL GEOCHEMICAL EVALUATION CRITERIA OF Au BEARING SKARN DEPOSITS

  7. 电磁测深在鲁西地区绿岩带型金矿勘探中的应用鄂东南铜绿山矿田矽卡岩型铜铁金矿床的辉钼矿Re-Os同位素年龄及其地质意义

    APPLICATION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC MEASUREMENT TO GOLD DEPOSIT EXPLORATION IN GREENSCHIST BELT OF WESTERN SHANDONG Re-Os dating of molybdenite from Tongl ü shan ore district in southeastern Hubei Province , Middle-Lower Yangtze River belt and its geological significance

  8. 鄂西北武当山群的划分与对比

    The division and correlation of Wudangshan group in northwestern Hubei Province

  9. 豫南&鄂北大别山北部高压角闪石榴辉岩的研究

    High-pressure amphibole Eclogite in the north of Dabie Mountains of Southern Henan and Northern Hubei Provinces

  10. 鄂东南低山丘陵区水旱灾害成灾机理的研究

    Study on the Mechanism of Flood & Drought Disaster in the Low Mountains and Hill District in Southeast Hubei

  11. 鄂东南低山丘陵区不同植被演替阶段土壤微生物与土壤养分研究

    Microbial Biomass and Nutrients in Soil at the Different Stages of Secondary Forest Succession in Southeast of Hubei Province

  12. 鄂南桃花山地方文化是荆楚文化的一部分,亦与邻近的湖湘文化关系密切。

    Peach Hill local culture of southern Hubei is part of Jingchou Culture , and is also closely related to Huxiang Culture .

  13. 位于洞庭湖平原北部边缘的鄂南桃花山地区,素有“荆楚桃花源”、“荆楚第一竹乡”和“鄂南茶乡”之称。

    The Peach Hill , which lies on the northern edge of Dongting Lake Valley in Hubei Province , is known as " Chu Paradise "," Chu first Township ", and " Tea village of the southern hubei " .

  14. 鄂西宜昌陡山沱组含磷岩系沉积相特征及矿床赋存规律

    Sedimentary facies characters of phosphorus-bearing system of the Doushantuo Formation in Yichang area and distribution regularities of the phosphate deposits

  15. 鄂拉山口银铅锌矿床的发现,是近几年来在青海省鄂拉山成矿带上找矿的重大突破。

    Ag-Pb-Zn deposit discovered in Ela mountain pass , is a significant breakthrough in Ela Qinghai province Ela mountain mineralization belt e in recent few years .

  16. 区域性的特定致灾因子耦合形成了鄂东南区域水旱灾害孕灾的基础,人口与经济的增长及其引发的生态环境的恶化则是鄂东南低山丘陵区水旱灾害成灾的关键因素。

    The regional FDD is based on the coupling of the regional natural disaster-making factors , and with the eco-environment deterioration caused by the increase of the population and economy as its key factor .