
  1. 曾获第十六届冰心儿童文学奖、第十二届四川日报文学奖。

    He won the16th Bingxin Prize for Children 's Literature and the12th Sichuan Daily Prize for Literature .

  2. 本文运用框架理论,以《陕西日报》、《甘肃日报》和《四川日报》的5·12地震报道为研究对象。

    By using the frame theory , this thesis takes the5 · 12 earthquake reports in Shaanxi Daily , Gansu Daily and Sichuan Daily as the researching objects .

  3. 本文希望通过对公司治理与内部审计的研究,为四川日报报业集团改进内部审计工作,完善治理结构提供一些借鉴。

    This paper hopes on corporate governance and internal audit of the research , for the improvement of internal audit work and the governance structure to provide some reference to Sichuan Daily Press Group .