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  1. 3D四轮定位仪检定装置是一个复杂的系统问题,本文所做研究注重结构设计与分析,更多的细节问题还需要进一步深入研究。

    This paper focuses on structure design and analysis . As to more questions and details , further studies are still needed .

  2. 对300名12~19岁的青少年用阻断法在RM-6000型四道生理仪上作了气道阻力(Raw)的测定。

    The airway resistance ( Raw ) was determined with interruption technique in 300 normal adolescents aged 12 to 19 years on the RM 6000 polygraph system .

  3. 基于RS-485总线的汽车四轮定位仪通讯功能的实现

    Communication Function Realization in Automobile Four Wheel Alignment Based on RS - 485 bus

  4. 当下正在广泛使用的四轮定位仪是3D四轮定位仪,它是由高分辨率的摄像机采集反光板上的图像信息,经过图像处理计算出车轮的定位参数。

    Currently , the widely used Four-wheel aligner depends on the technology of Image-processing . High-resolution cameras capture the image information on the reflect panel , and then calculate Four-wheel alignment parameter by Image-processing .

  5. 通过X射线衍射、四探针测试仪及电子万能试验机等表征了C/C复合材料的石墨化度、电阻率以及抗压强度。

    The graphitization extent of C / C composite was investigated by X-ray diffraction , the resistivity and compressive strength of C / C composites were monitored by the Four-Point Probes and Electronic Universal Testing Machine , respectively .

  6. 本文试图在一些合理近似下简化计算方法,并用此法校正了一套小分子四圆衍射仪数据及一套蛋白质Rotationcamera数据。

    I try to give a simplified calculation method under reasonable approximation , and test it on a set of small molecule four-circle diffractometer data and a set of protein Rotation camera data , and proved to be valid .

  7. 使用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、X射线衍射(XRD)、四探针测试仪、紫外-可见光光谱仪、血小板粘附试验等对薄膜的结构和性能进行了表征。

    The composition , microstructure and properties of the films were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( XPS ), X-ray diffraction ( XRD ), four-point probe sheet resistance measurement , UV-visible spectrophotometer and platelet adhension test , etc.

  8. G/C复合材料的结构变化通过XRD进行表征,并利用万能试验机和四探针测试仪对高温热处理后G/C复合材料的力学与电学性能进行了研究。

    The structure change of G / C composites was characterized by XRD , and the mechanical and electrical properties of G / C composites were evaluated by Electronic Universal Testing Machine and the Four-Point Probes , respectively .

  9. PS-600四波束测深仪在扫海探测中的应用

    The Application of PS-600 Four-Beam Sounder in Sweeping Survey

  10. 通过四探针电导率仪测试,ZnO-PANI为2.326s·m-1,比掺杂稀土时高一个数量级。

    The conductivity of ZnO-PANI was measured by four probe electrical conductivity instrument and equal to 2.326 s · m-1 , which was one order higher than that of RE-doped ZnO .

  11. 并提供了自制四探针测量仪的方法。

    The method to make four point probe instrument is provided .

  12. 四轮定位仪检定装置三维虚拟设计及仿真

    3-dimensional Virtual Design and Simulation of Calibrating Apparatus for Four-wheel Aligners

  13. 四波束测深仪与双频旁侧声纳在扫海工程中的应用

    Application of Four-beam Echo Sounder & Dual-frequency Sonar Flanking to Sweeping Engineering

  14. 汽车四轮定位仪检定装置及规程研究

    Study on Verification Regulation of Calibrating Apparatus of Four-Wheel Aligners

  15. 控制电流的四电极伏安仪的研制

    Development of A Voltammetric Instrument at Controlled Current with A Four-electrode Arrangement

  16. MCS-4W型四轮定位仪的主控机及其软件设计

    PC Computer and its Software for MCS - 4W Automobile Wheel Aligner

  17. 用四圆衍射仪测定了晶体结构。

    The crystal structure was determined with four-circle diffractometer .

  18. 检定四道谱仪中本底的讨论

    Discussing of checking the background of four-channel spectrum instruments

  19. 蓝牙无线四轮定位仪的研究与开发

    Research and Development of the Bluetooth Wireless Four-Wheel Alignment

  20. 注汽井吸汽剖面压力等四参数测试仪及其传感器

    Transducer and Four Parameter Testing Instrument for Sucking Vapor Section of Vapor Injection Well

  21. 利用四探针测量仪,测量其面电阻在2Ω/cm2以下。

    The sheet resistance is below 2 Ω / cm 2 measured by a four-point probe .

  22. 高灵敏度四探头测速仪

    High Sensitivity Four Probe Velocimeter

  23. 中子四圆衍射仪

    Four circle neutron diffractometer

  24. 汽车四轮定位仪

    The Automobile Wheel Aligner

  25. 目前,四探针测试仪是测量半导体材料电阻率的一种重要仪器。

    At present , the four-probe tester is an important instrument to measure the resistivity of semiconductor materials .

  26. 试验表明:四轮定位仪测量主销内倾存在零点误差和线性度系统误差。

    Experiments show that zero error and linear system error exist when SAI is tested by the four-wheel aligners .

  27. 当受检四轮定位仪主销倾角为15°时,其测量误差为18′,且系统误差随主销倾角增大而增大。

    Metrical error is 18 ′ when the kingpin obliquity is 15 ° and the system error increases as kingpin obliquity increases .

  28. 试验结果表明,增设抛撒轮装置,分离完全度可提高9%~17%。汽车四轮定位仪

    The results have shown that the separating ability of the indented cylinder separator can be improved by adding the distributor . The Automobile Wheel Aligner

  29. 本研究利用自行设计的四臂嗅觉仪分析了家蚕幼虫在宿主与非宿主植物诱导下产生的行为趋向反应。

    In this study , a four-arm olfactometer was designed to compare chemotaxis behavior when silkworm larvae are exposed to odors of host and non-host plants .

  30. 小松四轮定位仪以其优良的品质及可靠的性能拥有用户的广泛美誉,成为业界质量备受信赖的品牌。

    HITMAX wheel alignment instrument has obtained the extensive reputation with its excellent quality reliable performance , has become a quality trusted br in the industry .