
  1. 夏季鄂海高压的长期预报研究

    The study on the long - range forecasting of the Okhotsk High in summer

  2. 夏季东北冷涡与副高、鄂海阻高的遥相关关系南海海温与赤道东太平洋海温的遥相关

    The teleconnection relationship between the northeast cold vortex and the subtropical high , the Okhotsk high in summer TELECONNECTIONS BETWEEN SOUTH CHINA SEA SST AND EQUATORIAL EASTERN PACIFIC SST

  3. 与日本海和鄂霍茨克海斑海豹相比,辽东湾斑海豹线粒体DNA的16296位点有1个碱基的插入,这个插入可以区分这几个海区斑海豹种群。

    Compared with spotted seals along Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk , Spotted seals of Liaodong Guif had one base insertion at site 16296 of mtDNA , which prove to be marker between these two populations .

  4. 鄂霍茨克海地质、地球物理研究进展

    The research progress of Geology and Geophysics in the Okhotsk Sea

  5. 其中的千岛盆地,是研究鄂霍茨克海的一个窗口。

    Kuril Basin is the window to study the Okhotsk Sea .

  6. 鄂霍茨克海的地球物理场与地质构造

    Feature of geophysical field and geological tectonics in Okhotsk Sea

  7. 研究了2003年夏季中高纬环流特征以及乌拉尔山、鄂霍茨克海和贝加尔湖三个地区阻高指数逐候的变化情况。

    The characteristics of the middle-high latitude circulation and the blocking high are analyzed .

  8. 斜井水力压裂过程中的缝间干扰力学机理研究鄂霍茨克海阻高发展过程的正斜压涡度和涡度拟能的演变特征

    Mechanism of crack interaction in hydraulic fracture of inclined wells FEATURES OF BAROTROPIC / BAROCLINIC VORTICITY AND ENSTROPHY DURING OKHOTSK BLOCKING DEVELOPMENT

  9. 鄂霍茨克海阻塞高压的出现和发展,是造成嫩江、松花江流域夏季降水异常偏多的主要原因;

    The development of the Okhotsk blocking high was main reason the heavy precipitation in the Songhuajiang River and the Nenjiang River basins .

  10. 鄂霍茨克海阻高发展过程的正斜压涡度和涡度拟能的演变特征对流涡度矢量和湿涡度矢量在暴雨诊断分析中的应用研究

    FEATURES OF BAROTROPIC / BAROCLINIC VORTICITY AND ENSTROPHY DURING OKHOTSK BLOCKING DEVELOPMENT Application of convective and moist vorticity vectors in the analysis of a heavy rainfall event

  11. 在日本和鄂霍茨克海地区,正的温度平流异常起主导作用,平衡了异常的非绝热冷却和由于微弱上升运动造成的异常冷却,从而引起并利于维持这些地区夏季异常高温。

    Over Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk , the dominant anomalous positive horizontal advection of temperature balanced the abnormal non-adiabatic cooling and the abnormal cooling caused by weak upward motion , causing and maintaining these unusually high temperatures in summer .

  12. 前期鄂霍茨克海区域平均位势高度以及前期1&3月西太平洋的热带对流活动可以作为预测夏季西风强弱的前兆信号。

    This study indicates that the regional mean geopotential height over the Okhotsk sea in early stage , and the convection over the west Pacific 1-3 months in advance could be used to predict the strength of the Asian summer westerly .

  13. 东西伯利亚(或鄂霍茨克海)阻塞高压及亚洲中高纬度东高西低分布的稳定维持,则分别对华北平原的严重干旱与雨涝的形成起着重要的作用。

    The stable sustenances of blocking high over the East Siberia ( or the Okhotsk Sea ), and distribution of Ural trough and Baikal ridge plays a very important role in the serious drought and flood formation in the North China Plane , respectively .