
  1. 开兰名宦杨廷理及其著述

    YANG Ting-li , " A Famous Official in Kai Lan " and His Works

  2. 本文主要介绍了杨廷理的生平事迹和著述及在清代台湾历史上作出的杰出贡献。

    The article mainly introduces YANG Ting-li 's life deed and his works , the great contribution in TaiWan history Qing dynasty .

  3. 杨廷理巩固国家统一、开发边疆的业绩产生了深远的历史影响,具有不可磨灭的历史地位。

    His achievements in consolidating the unity of the country and developing the frontier region have had profound historical significance . He is worthy of an indelible position in history .

  4. 杨廷理是生于清代乾隆年间的柳州人。皇会在清乾隆年间的兴盛有赖于天津民众对天后的笃信,也有赖干地方经济的繁荣与昌盛。

    Yang Tingli was born in Liuzhou during the Qianlong era of the Qing Dynasty . The development of Imperial Heavenly Queen Temple in Qianlong Era of Qing Dynasty lied not only in folk admiration to the Heavenly Queen but also in flourishment of local economy .