
  1. 关于天人关系,孟子认为天与人二者是相通的。

    Mencius thinks that Heaven and human beings are interlinked .

  2. 董仲舒用“灾异说”来解释天与人之间的关系。

    He interpreted the relationship between nature and human by applying a theory of " heterodoxy of natural Disasters " .

  3. 天与人(人与自然)的和谐关系是和谐社会的根基,天人和谐已成为人们普遍而美好的追求。

    The harmonious relation between human and nature is the foundation of a harmonious society , and it has become mankind 's universal and happy pursuit .

  4. 孔子的人性思想是沿着历史与现实、古与今(述而不作)和天与人、性与命(性与天道)的双层致思路线的逻辑性互动展开的。

    It interactively spreads out along double thinking lines of history and reality , the past and the present ( narrating , not creating ), heaven and human , nature and destiny ( nature and Providence ) .

  5. 摘要从社会与校园、义与利、权利与责任、天与人等4个方面的辩证关系入手,提出了建立节约型高校后勤建设中的校园文化的相关建议。

    Starting form the dialectic relationship of society and campus , righteousness and interest , right and responsibility , man and universe , the relative suggestions of founding campus culture in the construction of rear service of saving universities were proposed .

  6. 立足长江文化的发展,论述天与人、真与美、中与外等长江文化建设的三大关系,阐明长江文化的区位、价值及类型特征。

    Based on Yangtze River culture development , the paper expresses the three relationships between sky and human , truth and beauty , China and the world , and expounds the regional position , value and category characteristics of Yangtze River culture .

  7. 《易经》的产生,与上古社会环境、文化氛围密切相关,是当时天与人、因与果、天命不易与靡常冲突融合的产物。

    Resulted from the interactions between the heaven and human , cause and effect , as well as the unchanging mandate of heaven and unusual conflicts , the Text 's coming into being was closely related with the ancient social circumstances and cultural ethos .

  8. 中国道德形而上学的合理性及其世界意义在于,人的满足自身生存的自然需求就内在地包含着实现自身的界限和规则,即良知、良能,从而实现了性与理、天与人的内在统一。

    The rationality and the world significance of Chinese ethical metaphysics is that human beings'natural need to exist inherently includes the realization of self bounding and rules , and to further realize the inherent unity of reason and sense , nature and human beings .

  9. 荀子把心思主要放在主体内在心性的修养方面,发展出强调心性的重要思维路向。第三部分论述了荀子的义理之天与天生人成思想。

    He puts his thoughts mainly on the growth of the mind and stress it . The third part discusses the henry the day and into the thinking of natural persons .

  10. “天”与“人”的关系关于宇宙和人的关系的讨论集中在“天”是否被认为是至高无上的神有自己的意志,还是它只是自然而已,没有其他意思。

    Relationship between Haven and Man The discussion about the relationship between the universe and man focused on whether " Heaven " was regarded as a supreme god with its own will , or whether it was simply nature with neither will nor purpose .

  11. 在命运之天面前,人可以发展自己的内在人格世界,修身俟命,采取天与人各行其是、互不相干的态度,这与郭店楚简中的思想极其相似;

    Facing the Nature as fate or lot , man can develop his inner world of personality , cultivate his moral character and calm with his lot , let man and fate to act in respective way and to be mutually noninterference .