
  • 网络Chinese Society;china society
  1. 本课题就是针对中国社会日趋严重的老龄化、空巢老人得不到照顾的现象,设计了一款简单、方便的基于Android操作系统的健康移动终端的健康监护软件。

    We design simple , convenient health care software based on Android health service terminal in view of increasingly serious aging phenomenon of the Chinese society .

  2. 调解是中国社会一种重要的纠纷解决机制。

    Mediation is an important dispute resolution in the Chinese society .

  3. 中国社会科学院中国廉政研究中心上个月发布的一项涵盖5865人的调查显示,96%的受访者对疾控工作感到满意。

    A survey of 5865 people issued last month by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ' China Anti-Corruption Research Center showed 96 percent of respondents were satisfied with the epidemic control work .

  4. 中国社会科学研究协会在这个月的早前预计中国可能会公布出今年全年的GDP比去年同步增长10.5%。

    The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences predicted earlier this month that the country could post a GDP growth of10.5 per cent for the whole year .

  5. 根据中国社会科学院和北京教育咨询公司麦可思研究院(MyCOSResearchInstitute)的调查,去年中国高校毕业生就业率为90%。

    The employment rate of college graduates last year was 90 % , according to a survey by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and MyCOS Research Institute , a Beijing-based education consulting firm .

  6. 琉球事件中的中国社会关于宗藩体制的舆论&以《申报》为主要考察对象

    Chinese Public Opinion on the Suzerain-vassal System during the Ryukyu Affair

  7. 农村阶层分化对中国社会的影响

    The influence of stratum split in rural areas upon China society

  8. 当代中国社会的家庭危机和社会工作者的使命

    Current Family Crisis in China and the Mission of Social Workers

  9. 从平均到公正:中国社会政策的演进

    From Equalitarianism to Justice : The evolution of Chinese social policy

  10. 把握裁军在晚清中国社会发展过程中的历史作用;

    Griping the history function of disarm at China social development process ;

  11. 第二个基础是中国社会中关系网络本身所具有的工具性和情感性效用;

    The instrumentalist and affective utility innate in Chinese social relation network ;

  12. 当前中国社会价值冲突浅析

    Elementary Analysis on Conflicts of Social Values in Current China

  13. 当代中国社会文化的特征及走向

    Discussion on the Questions in the Modern Chinese Social Culture

  14. 灾荒:考察近代中国社会的另一个视角

    Famine : Another Viewing-angle for Inspecting the Modern Chinese Society

  15. 关于新中国社会科学院士制度问题的研究

    A Study of the Academician System of Social Sciences in New China

  16. 《京都议定书》对中国社会经济发展的启示

    The Kyoto Protocol and the Development of China 's Society and Economy

  17. 中国社会公平状况分析&价值判断、权益失衡与制度保障

    Social Equity in China : Value Judgment , Unbalanced Interest and Institutional Guarantee

  18. 当代中国社会救助史研究论略

    A Brief Review on the Study of Social Assistance History in Contemporary China

  19. 新时期的价值本位与价值归宿&关于当代中国社会价值观念变迁的两点思考

    The Standard and Outcome of Values in Modern China

  20. 关于中国社会工作专业化与产业化的思考

    Thought on Specialization and Industrialization of China Social Work

  21. 制度变迁是中国社会文化转型的内在动力机制。

    Institution changes are inner dynamical mechanism of culture transformation of chinese society .

  22. 对当前中国社会中同性恋现象的伦理分析

    The Ethical Analysis of Homosexual Phenomenon in Modern China

  23. 当代中国社会各利益群体分析

    An Analysis on Interest Groups in Contemporary China

  24. 社会的和谐与稳定是中国社会进一步发展的基础。

    Harmony and stability of the society are the foundation which China develops further .

  25. 中国社会保障制度对城镇居民储蓄影响研究

    Research on the Efficiency of China 's Social Security System on Urban Household Saving

  26. 票商与近代中国社会的转型

    Bill merchants and transformation of modern Chinese society

  27. 当代中国社会转型时期的行政伦理重建

    The Reconstruction of Administration Moral Principles in the Society Transition Period of Current China

  28. 当前中国社会正处在全面转型的新时期。

    At present , China is found in a new era of overall transition .

  29. 以人为本:当代中国社会发展的必然选择

    Taking Man as the End : the Necessary Choice of Contemporary Chinese Society Development

  30. 关于当前中国社会思潮的基本思考

    Reflections on the Ideological Thoughts of Contemporary China