
  • 网络cnaps;China National Advanced Payment System;CNAPS-China National Advanced Payment System
  1. 中国现代化支付系统的实施推广是我国支付清算领域的一次革命性变革,对于我国发展电子货币、网络银行与电子商务意义深远。

    The enforcement of China National Advanced Payment System ( CNAPS ) is a crucial reform in the fields of payment and settlement system , and is significant to the development of electronic currency , network-banking and electronic commerce .

  2. 银行支付系统作为金融业的一个网络应用系统,是在中国现代化支付系统(CNAPS)建设的基础上实现的。

    As a financial network application , the bank payment system is based on the CNAPS .

  3. 中国现代化支付系统是中国现代化支付清算体系的骨干系统,包括大额支付系统和小额支付系统两个业务处理系统。

    Chinese modernized payment system is the key system of Chinese modernized payment settlement system , including the High Value Payment System and the Bulk Payment System .

  4. 随着中国现代化支付系统不断完善及二代支付系统建设的推进,物联网的兴起和移动支付技术的不断完善,电子商务支付正呈现出前所未有的发展机遇。

    With the construction of the second generation modern payment , the running of the Super Online Banking , the continuous improvement of Internet of Things and mobile payment technology E-commerce payment is showing an unprecedented development opportunity .