
  • 网络CASS;accelerated corrosion tests
  1. 盐雾加速腐蚀试验表明,由于Cl-1的扩散侵蚀,以及Cl-1强穿透能力,导致了钢表面分布着一些不连续的蚀孔和带状蚀沟。

    Salt spray accelerated corrosion tests showed that because of to the spread of Cl-1 , and the strong ability 0f penetrate , steel surface is dotted with a number of discrete corrosion pit and groove strip .

  2. 高强度铝合金盐雾加速腐蚀试验研究

    Accelerated corrosion tests of high strength 7075 aluminum alloy in salt water spray

  3. 用周期浸泡加速腐蚀试验法研究pH=3.5、5.6和pH为1.0时SO2-为0、0.06、0.1、0.2mol/L等6种模拟酸雨条件下混凝土、砂浆和灰砂砖的化学行为。

    The chemical behaviors of concrete , sand-lime slurry and sand-lime brick were studied by using the periodical immersion corrosion accelerating methods under the condition of simulated acid rain of different acidity and SO_4  ̄ 2 concentration .

  4. 将3种涂层在长沙大气中进行现场暴露实验,并开展室内循环喷雾加速腐蚀试验,利用SEM、EDS、XRD分析了涂层室内外腐蚀过程及结果的相关性。

    Then , exposures of these coatings in the atmosphere of Changsha city , as well as cyclic spray tests were conducted . And the correlation between the atmospheric exposure and the cyclic spray tests was analyzed by means of SEM , EDS and X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) .

  5. 通过大气腐蚀试验、室内加速腐蚀试验、电化学测试和锈层分析,研究了BNQ系列冷轧耐候钢的耐腐蚀性能。

    Corrosion resistance of cold rolled weathering steel of BNQ series was investigated by atmospheric exposure test , accelerated weathering test in room , electrochemical measurement and rust layer analysis .

  6. 涂层户外暴露与室内加速腐蚀试验相关性研究

    Correlativity between Outdoor-exposure and indoor - Accelerated corrosion test for coatings

  7. 典型飞机结构加速腐蚀试验方法研究

    Study on Accelerated Corrosion Test Methods of Typical Aircraft Structure

  8. 加速腐蚀试验表明膜层具有较好的耐蚀性。

    The accelerated corrosion tests revealed the good anticorrosive ability of the film .

  9. SO2/盐雾复合循环加速腐蚀试验模拟锌在户外大气暴露腐蚀行为

    So_2 / salt-spray synergistic accelerated test simulating atmospheric exposure corrosion behavior of zinc

  10. 高强度钢锌、镉镀层加速腐蚀试验方法研究

    Research of accelerated corrosion test method of zinc , cadmium plating on high-strength steel

  11. 干湿交替周浸模拟加速腐蚀试验装置的建立

    An Apparatus for Cyclic Dry / wet Accelerated Laboratory Test Simulating Outdoor Atmospheric Corrosion

  12. 热浸锌层人工加速腐蚀试验数值分析新型环保钝化热镀锌板耐蚀性的研究

    Analysis of corrosion data of hot dip galvanized coating obtained in an accelerated corrosion test

  13. 自然曝露试验与加速腐蚀试验的相关性及防蚀设计研究

    Study on the Relativity of Natrue Exposure Artificial Accelerate Test and the Design of Anti-Corrosion

  14. 锌及锌覆盖层户外大气暴露与实验室加速腐蚀试验相关性的研究

    A Study on Correlation between Atmospheric Exposure and Laboratory-Accelerated Corrosion Tests of Zinc and Zinc Coatings

  15. 对这些镀层进行5%NaCl溶液喷雾加速腐蚀试验以及全浸加速腐蚀试验,并与机械镀锌层进行对比。

    Accelerated spray and immersion corrosion tests with 5 % NaCl solution are performed on these coatings .

  16. 人工气候环境下双掺高性能混凝土内钢筋加速腐蚀试验研究

    Experimental study on accelerated reinforcement corrosion of " Double Mixture " high performance concrete in man-made climate

  17. 通常利用加速腐蚀试验采用失重法表征耐候钢的耐大气腐蚀性能。

    Usually , corrosion resistance of weathering steels is evaluated by the weight-loss method in an accelerated corrosion test .

  18. 低碳钢大气腐蚀室内模拟加速腐蚀试验与锈蚀规律

    The Accelerated Test of Simulated Atmospheric Corrosion and the Rust Evolution of Low Carbon Steel chemical atmospheres corrosion testing chamber

  19. 为了研究耐碱玻璃纤维在水泥基体中的腐蚀情况,采用了加速腐蚀试验方法。

    The Accelerated - corrosive test was used to study the corrosion of alkali resistant glass fiber ( ARGF ) in cement mortar .

  20. 在气相加速腐蚀试验中,裸表面钢筋比氧化皮钢筋有较大的腐蚀失重量;

    In the accelerated laboratory tests , the steel with oxide skin had larger corrosion weight loss than the steel with nude surface .

  21. 采用化学和电化学加速腐蚀试验方法对6种不锈钢的耐点蚀和缝隙腐蚀性能进行了评价。

    Using accelerated chemical and electrochemical corrosion testing methods , the resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion behavior for six stainless steels were evaluated .

  22. 利用该工艺可在钢基表面获得不同配比的锌锰及锌铝锰合金镀层,对镀层进行了5%NaCl溶液喷雾加速腐蚀试验及全浸加速腐蚀试验,并与机械镀锌层进行了对比。

    The corrosion resistance of the resulting alloy coatings were evaluated making use of neutral salt spray accelerated corrosion test and immersion corrosion test in 5 % NaCl .

  23. 对14种防锈油样品在湿热、水置换性、人汗防蚀性、重叠性等方面进行了加速腐蚀试验,筛选出7种防锈性能优良的防锈油;

    To do accelerative rust experiments on 14 kinds of antirust oil from such aspects as wetness and heat , displacement of water , anticorrosion of human sweat and overlapping .

  24. 试验结果表明,两种试验方法具有较好的相关性和重现性,盐雾加速腐蚀试验相对于石家庄2002-2003全年大气环境试验的加速倍率约为30。

    According to the experiment results , the correlativity and reproducibility of the two methods is satisfied and the accelerated ratio of the accelerated test compared with the Shijiazhuang atmospheric corrosion test is approximately 30 .

  25. 通过循环加速腐蚀试验和电化学测试方法,研究了3种铜-不锈钢复合材料和纯铜在HSO3-和/或Cl-介质中的腐蚀行为。

    By means of synergistic accelerated corrosion test and electrochemical measuring , the corrosion behavior of copper-stainless steel composites and Cu in HSO_ ( 3 ) ~ ( - ) / Cl ~ - media was studied .

  26. 采用二氧化硫来模拟工业大气对混凝土进行加速腐蚀试验,研究了混凝土在化工大气环境中的腐蚀机理和性能以及相应的影响因素。

    In this thesis , a artificial accelerating corrosion experiment on a concrete has been used to simulate industrial atmosphere by using sulfur dioxide . The corrosion mechanism and behavior of concrete in the atmosphere environment have been investigated .

  27. 研究结果表明,SO2/盐雾复合循环加速腐蚀试验一定程度上较好地模拟了锌在典型地区的大气腐蚀行为,通过这种加速腐蚀试验可以针对锌在典型地区大气暴露腐蚀行为进行一定程度的预测。

    The results show that SO_2 / salt-spray synergistic accelerated test , to some extent , can simulate atmospheric corrosion behavior of zinc , and the corrosion behavior of zinc in typical atmospheric environments can be predicted by the synergistic accelerated test .

  28. 本文比较了不同含锌量的锡锌合金镀层、锌镀层和镉镀层在5%氯化钠溶液中的电位、中性盐雾试验以及二氧化硫加速腐蚀试验结果。

    Corrosion potential of tin-zinc alloy deposits with different zinc content was compared to that of zinc and cadmium deposits . Corrosion resistance of tin-zinc and zinc deposits were examined by neutral salt spray test and accelerated corrosion test in sulphur dioxide atmosphere .

  29. 评述了耐候钢的大气曝晒和室内加速腐蚀试验的特点及现状,根据试验数据,提出了周期浸润腐蚀试验适用于耐候钢的快速评价。

    The features and present conditions of atmospheric exposing to the sun and the inside accelerated corrosion test are reviewed . On the basis of the test data , it is put forward that the periodical immersed corrosion test is applicable to the rapid evaluation on weather resistant steel .

  30. 钢筋混凝土人工气候加速腐蚀的试验研究

    An Experimental Study on the Accelerated Corrosion of Reinforced Concrete in Man-made Climate Chamber