
jiā xī
  • raise interest rates
  1. 市场预计,美国低于预期的核心物价升幅将缓解美联储(Fed)的加息压力,而英国消费者价格指数升至3.1%,则增强了市场对英国加息的预期。

    The markets anticipated that lower than expected core price rises in the US would ease pressure on the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates , while a rise in UK consumer price inflation to 3.1 per cent increased expectations of higher British rates .

  2. 因此,至少到2016年9月,欧洲央行都不会加息。

    The ECB will therefore not raise interest rates until at least September 2016 .

  3. 就在美联储宣布加息前,OFR公布了其针对美国金融健康状况的首份金融稳定性报告(FinancialStabilityReport)。

    Just before the Fed announcement , the OFR published its first Financial Stability Report on the health of US finance .

  4. 印度央行(ReserveBankofIndia)从2010年3月开始提高基准利率,并在最近加快了加息步伐。

    The Reserve Bank of India began raising key interest rates in March 2010 and has recently increased the pace of rate rises .

  5. 或者意味着美联储(fed)应该开始更多地关注通胀,并开始考虑加息?

    Or that the US Federal Reserve should start paying more attention to inflation , and begin contemplating raising interest rates ?

  6. 越南所谓的“前沿经济”(frontiereconomy)也感受到了压力,越南央行最近大幅加息至12%。

    The so-called frontier economy of Vietnam is also feeling the strain and the central bank has recently raised interest rates substantially to 12 per cent .

  7. 一些评论人士曾预计英国央行货币政策委员会(monetarypolicycommittee)会将利率提高至5.5%,不过目前看来,加息可能会改在5月份进行。

    Some commentators had forecast that the monetary policy committee would raise rates to 5.5 per cent , although a hike in may now looks likely instead .

  8. 即使美联储(usfederalreserve)暂停加息,而中国利率水平小幅上调,中国央行仍能轻松赚取逾100个基点的利差。

    Even with the US Federal Reserve on pause and Chinese interest rates inching higher , the central bank earns a spread comfortably above 100 basis points .

  9. 美联储(Fed)在结束空前的资产购买时期后,正将注意力转向首次加息。

    The US Federal Reserve is shifting its focus to its first interest rate rise after ending an era of unprecedented asset purchases .

  10. 与此同时,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)周一预计,美联储要到2016年才会加息。

    Morgan Stanley , meanwhile , predicted Monday that the Fed will not raise rates until 2016 .

  11. 英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)昨日承认统计有误,这大大减少了人们对英国经济出现通胀的担忧,降低了再次加息的可能性。

    The Office for National Statistics yesterday admitted to an error , which dramatically reduced the worry over inflation in the economy and makes a further interest rate rise less likely .

  12. “多数人预期现在这个时候会加息,”英国研究公司资本经济(capitaleconomics)的中国专家马克威廉姆斯(markwilliams)表示。

    " Most people expected a rate increase around now , " said Mark Williams , a China specialist at capital economics , the UK-based research company .

  13. 美元汇率飙升的同时,美联储(Fed)正准备加息,而此际几乎所有其他央行都在推出新的宽松举措。

    The dollar is surging as the Federal Reserve prepares to lift interest rates , just as virtually every other central bank adopts new easing measures .

  14. 尽管人们预计印度央行(reservebankofindia)不会在今日的会议上做出加息决定,但该机构昨日警告称,“通胀压力已开始显现”。

    While the Reserve Bank of India is not expected to raise rates when it meets today , it warned yesterday that " inflationary pressures have started to emerge " .

  15. CAD和中银的加息政策行动的需求可能只是成为一种工具,以期了解在欧洲的信贷危机的央行关注的力量。

    A rate increase would boost demand for the CAD and the BOC policy move may become a tool to gauge the strength of central banks'concerns over Europe 's credit crisis .

  16. 占压倒多数的华尔街经济学家认为,尽管美联储(federalreserve)不断在通胀问题上发表强硬讲话,但该机构今年将不会加息。

    An overwhelming majority of Wall Street economists thinks the Federal Reserve will not raise interest rates this year , in spite of its continued tough talk on inflation .

  17. 它们辩称,重启信用衍生品将让现代金融安全得多,尤其是如果(或者当)美联储(Fed)最终加息的时候。

    Rebuilding credit derivatives , they argue , will make modern finance considerably safer , particularly if ( or when ) the US Federal Reserve finally puts up rates .

  18. 第一季度GDP出现的意外增长刺激了新西兰联储的加息预期,为纽币继续上扬提供了动力。

    A direct result of the surprise boost to NZ Q1 GDP has been a concurrent boost for RBNZ rate expectations fueling NZD 's continued upside flight trajectory .

  19. 其它积极因素包括通用汽车(generalmotors)胜利回归华尔街,以及市场对中国加息的担心有所缓和,但最主要的推动因素还是来自爱尔兰。

    Further positive factors included a triumphant return to Wall Street for general motors and an easing of worries about higher interest rates in China , although the chief catalyst came from Dublin .

  20. 此外,固定收益市场的投资规模还出现了增加,原因是美联储(Fed)预计会在今年推出自2006年以来的首次加息举措。

    The stakes have also risen for the fixed income markets because the US Federal Reserve is expected to increase interest rates this year for the first time since 2006 .

  21. 但是,考虑到最近好坏掺半的经济数据,关于这位美联储(Fed)主席加息25个基点的决定是否明智,经济学家的看法出现了分歧。

    But , given recent mixed economic data , economists are divided on the merits of the US Federal Reserve chair 's decision to raise interest rates by 25 basis points .

  22. 然而,现在一些投资者相信,人民币贬值的新时代可能即将来临,尤其是在美联储(Fed)明年可能加息的前景下。

    Now , however , some investors believe a new era of renminbi depreciation may be at hand , especially with the prospect of rate rises by the Federal Reserve next year .

  23. 这类证据突显出不健康的价格压力,帮助解释了欧洲央行(ECB)为何已先于英美加息。

    Such evidence of unhealthy price pressures helps to explain why the European Central Bank has started raising interest rates before the US or the UK .

  24. 过去几周持续走强的英镑昨日又添新的推动因素:生产者价格指数上涨,显示英国央行(bankofengland)将会继续加息。

    The currency , which has been strengthening over the past few weeks , got another push yesterday after a rise in producer price inflation suggested the Bank of England would continue to increase UK interest rates .

  25. 斯坦福大学(Stanforduniversity)国际经济学教授罗纳德麦金农(RonaldMcKinnon)最近就进行了令人信服的论证,称美国应当小幅加息。

    Ronald McKinnon , professor of international economics at Stanford University , recently made a convincing case for a moderate increase in US interest rates .

  26. 在经济增长疲软的5年之后,欧元区2006年上半年GDP数据呈现出明显趋强的态势&这种情况可能会促使欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)继续加息。

    After half a decade of weak growth , eurozone GDP data for the first half of 2006 show a significantly stronger phase – which is likely to encourage the European Central Bank to continue raising interest rates .

  27. 欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)昨日将主要利率上调0.25个百分点,至4%,达到自2001年9月以来的最高水平,而且几乎没有采取任何行动来打消市场关于今年还将继续加息的预期。

    The European Central Bank yesterday raised its main interest rate by 0.25 percentage points to 4 per cent – its highest level since September 2001 and did little to dissuade the markets that further rises were likely this year .

  28. 数据显示,日本经济在2006年第四季度取得3年来的最快增速,令市场预计日本央行(BankofJapan)最快将于下周再次加息。

    Japan 's economy grew at its fastest rate in three years in the final quarter of 2006 , according to data that fuelled expectations the Bank of Japan will move to raise interest rates again as soon as next week .

  29. 国内生产总值(GDP)数据似乎表明,美国经济具备足够强的动力足以继续推低失业率,这增强了美联储(Fed)围绕何时需要加息的辩论。

    The gross domestic product data suggest the economy has enough momentum to keep bringing down unemployment , adding fuel to the debate at the US Federal Reserve about when interest rates need to rise .

  30. 目前来看,加拿大必定是7国集团(g7)中率先加息的国家,最早可能于6月份采取行动。

    Canada now looks set to be the first G7 country to raise interest rates , probably as soon as June .