
  • 网络hydrogenation technology;hydroprocessing
  1. 渣油悬浮床加氢技术方案的探索

    Study on suspended bed hydroprocessing scheme for residual oil

  2. 以辽河、新疆、胜利、大庆原油和含硫油的润滑油馏分为原料,采用加氢技术制取润滑油基础油。

    Lube base oils preparing from lube distillates of Liaohe , Xinjiang , Shengli and Daqing crude oils and a sour crude by hydroprocessing conducted on a pilot plant were introduced .

  3. 轻C4选择性加氢技术在烷基化装置的应用

    Application of selective hydrogenation of light ( C_4-fraction ) in alkylation plant

  4. 采用选择性加氢技术对FCC汽油重馏分进行处理时,有可能产生微量的二次硫醇,其稳定性高,较难脱除。

    Recombinant mercaptans formed during the selective hydrodesulfurization of heavy FCC naphtha were stable and hard to be removed .

  5. 因此,加速国内石油树脂加氢技术研究开发,特别是开展C9石油树脂催化加氢的研究很有必要。

    Therefore , it is urgent to develop catalytic hydrogenation technology of C9 petroleum resin .

  6. C9石油树脂加氢技术近年来得到了越来越多的重视。

    More and more attentions on the hydrogenation of C9 petroleum resin have been attracted in recent years .

  7. 介绍了OCT-M汽油选择性加氢技术在汽油加氢装置的应用情况。

    This article introduced application of OCT-M technology on selective hydrogenation of catalytic gasoline in Refinery of Luoyang Petrochemical Co.

  8. 石油化工科学研究院在开发渣油固定床加氢技术(RHT)的基础上成功地开发了渣油加氢FCC双向组合技术&RICP。

    On the basis of fixed-bed residue hydrotreating technology , RHT , developed by Research Institute of Petroleum Processing , a bi-direction integration technology of hydrotreating with FCC named RICP was further developed .

  9. 四种复合非加氢技术精制的柴油指标达GB252-2000标准要求。

    The diesel fuels refined by the non-hydrogenation techniques can meet the requirement of the national standard GB252-2000 .

  10. 其中UOP公司开发的两段加氢技术要解决的技术难点主要是强放热反应会引起催化剂床层温度超标;

    The main technical challenge UOP ′ s two-stage hydrogenation technology needs to resolve is that strong exothermic reaction will result in too high temperatures on the catalyst bed .

  11. 目前更趋向于采用K-K法粗苯加氢技术,旨在获得优质的苯类产品与避免废酸的污染。

    Due to obtaining benzene of good quality and avoiding contaminant of waste acid the hydrodesulfurization of crude benzol refining is approaching to apply the K. K method nowadays .

  12. 然后针对RVHT蜡油加氢技术和RN-32V催化剂在国内相关企业的使用情况,和标定报告进行了分析对比,找出这项技术和催化剂的优点。

    We find out the merit of this technology and catalyst base on the analysis of the service condition of RVHT hydrogenation technology and RN-32V catalyst in domestic enterprises and the calibration report .

  13. 齐鲁石化公司胜利炼油厂VRDS扩能改造引进了Chevron公司上流式反应器(UFR)加氢技术,构成UFR/VRDS组合工艺,该装置已运转2周期941天。

    The up flow reactor ( UFR ) hydrogenation technology imported from Chevron Company was combined with the VRDS unit of Shengli Refinery , Qilu Petrochemical Company at the capacity expansion revamping and had run 2 cycle totally 941 days .

  14. 再次,通过分析和解释了RVHT蜡油加氢技术和RN-32V催化剂的特点,阐述了RVHT蜡油加氢技术的开发及工业试验情况,RN-32V催化剂的制备情况,就国内外各种混合原料的工业试验情况。

    Thirdly , we elaborate the situation about developments and result of industrial test of hydrogenation technology of wax and the production of RN-32V catalyst according the analysis and explanation of the feature of RVHT hydrogenation technology and RN-32V catalyst .

  15. 最后针对某厂的原料性质,进行了建模,通过模拟计算,RVHT蜡油加氢技术和RN-32V催化剂能够对企业的轻质油质量有明显的改善,依据计算结果进行装置的设计建设。

    At last , we have modeling toward the raw material in our factory and Simulated , the quality of light oil is improved significantly by the RVHT hydrogenation technology of wax and RN-32V catalyst , the design and construction of the equipment was base on the calculation results .

  16. 高空速重整原料预加氢技术的开发及工业应用

    Development and application of high space velocity reforming feeds pretreatment technology

  17. 加氢技术在汽油质量升级中的应用及研究进展

    Application of Hydrotreating Technology in Gasoline Quality Upgrading and Its Research Progress

  18. 加氢技术在制取润滑油基础油中的应用

    Application of the Hydrogenation Technology in Preparing Lube Base Oil

  19. 不对称催化加氢技术的研究及其发展趋势

    Trends and Research on the technology of asymmetric catalytic hydrogenation

  20. 苯乙烯存在下的苯乙炔选择性加氢技术

    Selective Hydrogenation Technology of Phenylacetylene in the Presence of Styrene

  21. 石油树脂加氢技术的现状

    The Present Status of Hydrogenation Technology of Petroleum Resin

  22. 闪蒸油加氢技术的工业应用

    Industrial Application of Hydrogenation Technology of Flash Oil

  23. 含硫原油加工与加氢技术的应用

    Sour crude processing and application of hydrogenation process

  24. 提高劣质柴油质量的加氢技术

    Hydrogenation technology to Improve Diesel Product Quality

  25. 碳三催化精馏加氢技术探讨

    Study on C_3 catalytic distillation hydrogenation technology

  26. 有机中间体催化加氢技术进展

    Progress in Catalytic Hydrogenation of Organic Intermediates

  27. 丁腈橡胶加氢技术进展

    Advance in Hydrogenation Technology of Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Rubber

  28. 加快发展加氢技术

    Accelerating the Development of Hydrogenation Technology

  29. 直接生产清洁柴油的加氢技术

    Hydrotreating techniques directly producing clean diesel

  30. 渣油加氢技术的发展状况

    Development of Hydrogenation of the Residue