
  • 网络Sulfur capacity;sulfide capacity
  1. LF精炼过程中顶渣硫容量、分配比和脱硫率的确定

    Determination of Sulfide Capacity , Sulfur Distribution Ratio and Desulfurization Percentage in Ladle Furnace Refining Process

  2. 硫容量和硫平衡分配比是衡量炼钢过程中渣系脱硫能力的重要指标。

    The sulfide capacity ( CS ) and equilibrium distribution ratio of sulphur ( LS ) are important indicators to measure desulfurization capacity of slag system .

  3. 高硫容量含BaO超低硫钢精炼脱硫渣系

    High Sulphur Capacity Slag Series Containing BaO for Ultra-Low Sulphur Steel Refining

  4. 对脱硫性能而言:Al2O3/CaO值越大,则渣的硫容量越低,硫分配比越小;SrO与MgO可使渣的硫分配比提高,但提高幅度有限;

    For desulfurization , while the value of Al2O3 / CaO is bigger , the sulfur capacity is lesser , sulfur distribution is also lesser ;

  5. 硫容量随钢液温度增加而增加,随渣中(%Al2O3)/(%CaO)比值的增加而降低。

    And ( 2 ) the sulphide capacity increased with the increase in temperature and decreased with the increase of ( % Al_2O_3 ) / ( % CaO ) in the slag .

  6. KTH硫容量模型和KTH活度模型计算的硫分配比的值与实验值符合较好;

    And the value of sulphur distribution calculated by KTH sulphide capacity model and KTH activity model accorded well with experimental value ;

  7. w(MgO)为5%-18%时,硫容量随MgO含量的增大先增大后减小,在w(MgO)为8%左右时达到最大值;

    While w ( MgO ) increases from 5 % to 18 % , the sulphide capacity increases firstly , and decreases afterwards , it reaches its maximum when w ( MgO ) is about 8 % ;

  8. 采用液相催化氧化法净化H2S尾气。研究了铁离子浓度、氧含量和表面活性剂等因素在H2S的净化中对吸收液净化效率和硫容量的影响。

    The effect of factors such as ferric ion concentration , oxygen content and surface active agent on purification efficiency and sulphur capacity in absorption solution was studied to purify H_ ( 2 ) S in tail gas by liquid phase catalytic oxidation .

  9. 通过500g钼丝炉和10kg感应炉进行了顶渣CaOSiO2MgOAl2O3CaF2渣系和喂线渣CaOBaOCaF2渣系在钢渣平衡状态的硫容量和钢水脱硫试验。

    The sulphur capacity at steel-slag equilibrium conditions and molten steel desulphurization test with top slag CaO-SiO 2-MgO-Al 2O 3-CaF 2 and wire feeding slag CaO-BaO-CaF 2 have been carried out by using 500 g molybdenum-wound furnace and 10 kg inductive furnace .

  10. 用Fe2+作催化剂,溶液的净化效率可达99%以上,且硫容量也较大,对低浓度H2S的净化相当有利。

    The use of Fe 2 + as a catalyst not only could reach the stable purification efficiency above 99 % of H 2S but also had a higher capacity of sulfur . So it was very advantageous for purification of H 2S in low concentration .

  11. 有氧条件下,氧气越充足H2S在浸渍活性炭上的脱除氧化反应越充分;低温有利于物理吸附,温度升高有助于化学反应的进行,温度为120℃时的硫容量最大。

    Under aerobic conditions , more oxygen more H2S impregnated activated carbon in the removal Oxidation of sufficient oxygen enough ; low temperature is conducive to physical adsorption , the temperature rises to the chemical reaction to a temperature of 120 ℃, the largest capacity of sulfur .

  12. 精炼渣硫容量及活度模型的应用研究

    Application Study of Sulphide Capacity and Activity Model in Refining Slag

  13. 含碱高炉渣硫容量的研究

    Study on Sulphide Capacity of BF Slag Containing Alkali Metals

  14. 硫容量和硫分配比的计算及分析

    Calculation and analysis of sulphide capacity and sulphur partition ratio

  15. 冶金粉尘硫容量的实验研究

    Study on the sulfur capacit of metallurgical dusts

  16. 对活性炭检测标准饱和硫容量的测定改进的探讨

    Studies on the improvement of Detemination of saturated sulphur capacity of granular carbon from coal

  17. 极低硫钢精炼渣系硫容量热平衡试验研究

    Experimental research on heat equilibrium of sulphide capacity about refining slag system in ultra low sulphur steel

  18. 高的氧气含量可加快其再生速率,但硫容量会有所降低。

    Higher O2 content in regeneration gas promoted the regeneration process , but the sulfur capacity was decreased slightly .

  19. 此时,吸附剂的饱和硫容量为0.83%(质量分数)。

    Under such a case , the sulfur saturation capacity of the absorbent would be 0.83 % ( mass fraction ) .

  20. 经过Na_2CO_3改性后的活性炭可以在常温下有效地脱除H_2S,其硫容量可达40%以上。提高温度可以提高脱硫速度;

    Hydrogen sulfide can be effectively removed by activated carbon impregnated with Na_2CO_3atambient temperature , and the sulfur capacity may attain over 40 % .

  21. 相对湿度提高,容易形成水膜,浸渍活性炭对硫化氢的吸附能力增强,硫容量变大。

    Relative humidity increased , easily formed water film , dipping to the activated carbon adsorption capacity and hydrogen sulfide , sulfur capacity larger .

  22. 活性半焦脱硫的活化能为11.811kJ/mol,较低的活化能与自制活性半焦高的硫容量吻合。

    The activation energy of desulphurization reaction is 11.811 kJ / mol , which is in accord with the high desulphurization capacity of activated semi-coke well .

  23. 结果表明,铁酸锌脱硫剂的脱硫效果显著,较高的温度下可得到高的硫容量;

    The result showed that the agent was effective for sulfur removal and could be well regenerated , and sulfidation at higher temperature brought about higher sulfur capacity .

  24. 结果表明,该顶渣+喂线渣具有高的硫容量(logCS为-1.6~0.5),适用于超低硫钢的精炼脱硫;

    The results showed that the tested top slag + wire feeding slag had high sulphur capacity ( logC S being - 1.6 ~ 0.5 ) which were available for desulphurization of ultra-low sulphur steel during refining ;

  25. 实验结果表明,用铁离子作催化剂,添加表面活性剂后,对低氧含量的尾气,吸收液具有较高的净化效率和较大的硫容量;

    The results show that ferric ion as a catalyst can reach a higher purification efficiency and a larger sulphur capacity in absorption solution for tail gas in low oxygen content after surface active agent was added .

  26. 同时探讨不同的硫电极比容量计算方法,并分析衰减速率。

    Explore different capacity calculation methods and analyze the decay rate .

  27. 使用KTH模型和推导硫分配比公式对生产过程的硫容量和硫的分配比进行了计算,将预测与实测的硫分配比进行对比;

    The sulphide capacity and sulphur distribution of slag during were calculated using KTH model and Turkdogan 's formula respectively , and then compared with measured values .

  28. 本文探讨了利用电炉炼钢粉尘进行型煤燃烧固硫和烟道气脱硫的可能性,实验测定和理论计算了典型的电炉粉尘的硫容量约为5.5mmol/g;

    The possibility of utilizing EAF dust as sul-fur sorbent in coal combustion was investigated . The sulfur capacity of the typical EAF dust is about 5 . 5 mmol / g.