
  1. 根据目前的研究发现,II期临床试验计划将金硫代苹果酸盐与其他参与癌症生长的分子靶向药物联用。

    Based on findings to date , a phase II clinical trial is being planned to combine aurothiomalate with agents targeted at other molecules involved in cancer growth .

  2. 这三种方法对硫代葡萄糖酸盐总量的分析在烹饪过程中没有明显的丢失。

    All three methods gave no significant loss of total glucosinolate analyte contents over these cooking periods .

  3. 煮沸对这些蔬菜中的硫代葡萄糖酸盐的贮留有非常严重的影响。

    Boiling appeared to have a serious impact on the retention of those important glucosinolate within the vegetables .

  4. 金硫代苹果酸盐正在明尼苏达州和亚利桑那州的梅奥诊断中肺癌病人进行I期临床试验。

    The drug , aurothiomalate , is being tested in a phase I clinical trial in patients with lung cancer at Mayo Clinic 's sites in Minnesota and Arizona .

  5. 然后通过煮、蒸、微波和快炒研究蔬菜中硫代葡萄糖酸盐的含量。

    The effect of cooking on the glucosinolate content of vegetables was then studied by investigating the effects of cooking by boiling , steaming , microwave cooking and stir-fry .