
  • 网络Selenium Powder
  1. 在强碱诱导下的碱性PEG-400介质中,硼氢化钠、硒粉和卤代烃反应高产率得到二硒醚。

    Diselenides were synthesized by the reaction of sodium borohydride , selenium powder and halohydrocarbon in the media of PEG-400 .

  2. 而采用硒粉为硒源,在180℃反应5h制得厚度达60nm的SnSe2纳米片;

    When we adopt selenium powder as the selenium source , sheet-like SnSe_ ( 2 ) with thickness about 60 nm were prepared at 180 ℃ for 5 h.

  3. 研究了饲料粗蛋白质快速测定方法,利用高氯酸和硒粉相结合缩短凯氏定氮法消化时间,使饲料样品在1min左右消化成无色或黄色溶液。

    For rapidly determining crude protein in feeds perchloric acid and selenium powder were used in Kjeldahl N determination to reduce the digestion time of samples , which were digested into a colorless or yellow solution in about one minute .

  4. 利用生物转化原理,将无机硒转化为有机硒,制成富硒粉,添加到奶液中,利用乳酸菌发酵可制成具有保健功能的新型酸奶。

    Inorganic selenium was transferred to organic selenium with the help of biological transform principle , powder with rich selenium was obtained .

  5. 反应体系表观速率常数可通过对不同浓度反应物(如硒粉、水合肼和过氧化氢)的反应初期氢化度的测定来实现。

    The reaction rate constants of the reaction system were obtained by initial reaction measurements of different reactants dosages ( such as selenium , hydrazine hydrate , and hydrogen peroxide ) .

  6. 然后以水合肼用量、硒粉用量、过氧化氢用量、抗凝剂用量、反应温度以及反应时间等反应条件进行单因素试验,讨论了上述各因素对产物氢化度的影响,进而确定最佳反应配方。

    Secondly , a single factor test was done with the factors of hydrazine hydrate dosages , selenium powder dosages , hydrogen peroxide dosages , gel inhibitor dosages reaction temperatures and reaction times .

  7. 研究了用硒粉作催化剂在蛋白质消化中的可行性及最佳用量,实验结果表明,该方法快速、准确,可用于蛋白质含量的测定。

    The availability and the optimal quantity on the protein assimilation with selenium powder as catalyst were studied . The result showed that the method was fast and exact , which was applicable for the determination of protein content .