
  • 网络The Fog of War
  1. 有疑问的是他是否具备努力走出战争迷雾的能力。

    It is his capacity to wade through the fog of war that is in question .

  2. 从一个旁观者的身份,可以破开任何一处的战争迷雾。

    A spectator can even opt to remove the fog of war altogether for a truly global view of the battlefield .

  3. 战争迷雾将不会显示攻击单位。

    Fog of war will no longer reveal attacking units .

  4. 计划的迅速反馈和行动执行将对战斗的有效性和减小战争迷雾状态和摩擦提供援助。

    Immediate feedback of planned and executed operations will assist with the efficient prosecution of campaigns and minimize the fog and friction of war .

  5. 在将兵棋环境转换为网络图之后,给出了不同地形损耗值的描述和计算方法,并分析了战争迷雾问题对路径规划的影响。

    After the transformation of wargame environment to hexagonal grid , give the different terrain exhausted value description and calculating method and analyze the influence of fog of war to path planning .

  6. 信息技术运用于军事领域,其核心目的是为了解决认知山的那一边的问题,从而拨开战争迷雾,以减少指挥控制和遂行任务的不确定性。

    The core aim of applying information technologies in military is to get knowledge of " the other side of the hill ", release the fog of battle field , and finally reduce the uncertainties in the command and control and task implementing .

  7. 目前还难以对此观点提出反驳。不过,与这场战争的迷雾进行搏斗所得到的真正教训,并不在于吹散这场迷雾,而在于避免战争。

    It is hard to argue against that now , but the real lesson from grappling with the fog of war is not to blow the fog away but to avoid wars .

  8. 布拉德利的怀疑所牵涉的故事,关乎战争的迷雾,关乎为人子者纪念父亲的努力,也关乎海军陆战队的意愿,它起初显然不想理会这个极具历史意义的瞬间所受到的质疑。

    Mr. Bradley 's doubts tell a story about the fog of war , the efforts of a son to memorialize his father and the apparent willingness of the Marines to at first brush aside questions about one of their most historic moments .