
zhàn zhēnɡ shēnɡ jí
  • Escalation of war;war escalation
  1. 我们不想让战争升级。

    We do not want to escalate the war .

  2. 而约翰逊政府继承肯尼迪政府的对华政策,并使得越南战争升级。

    Johnson Administration followed Kennedys policy and made Vietnam War escalated .

  3. 战后,赫斯特先生与其竞争者间的战争升级。

    Mister Hearst 's battle with competitors widened after the war .

  4. 美国军事实力的发挥受到了战争升级的危险所限。

    American power is constrained by the danger of escalation .

  5. 如果战争升级,那时你就可以放弃关于谈判的一切想法。

    If the war escalates , then you can kiss all thoughts of negotiations goodbye .

  6. 据悉,家庭成员对彼此的要求是压力骤增的主要原因,此外,专家还分析,吵架过程中太强调个人价值也是促使“战争升级”的重大原因。专家担心,吵架可能会引起“冠心病”突发,表现形式有可能是心绞痛。

    One reason could be that stress levels rise due to the demands from family members , although individual personality could also play a role , the researchers said .

  7. 其他国家应当加大压力,要求中国实现人民币渐进但有意义的升值。这些国家应协调行动,同时注意避免让汇率战争升级为一场全面的贸易战争。

    Acting in concert while mindful of the danger of escalating a currency war into outright trade war , other nations should ratchet up the pressure for gradual but meaningful appreciation of the renminbi .

  8. 例如1966年初到1967年,由于越南战争的升级,军事开支增加。

    For example , in1966 and1967 military expenditures increased with the escalation of the Vietnam war .

  9. 政府出於政治目的蓄意使战争逐步升级

    The government is deliberately escalate the war for political reasons

  10. 相反,战争日益升级,伤亡人数不断增加,塔利班也变得越来越自信。

    On the contrary , the fighting is intensifying , casualties are mounting and the Taliban is becoming more confident .

  11. 也许是出于人们更难以认清的长期愿景,他还帮助了阿富汗战争的升级。

    He also helped to escalate the Afghan war , if with a longer-term vision that is harder to discern .

  12. 如果过多的人必须为了争夺日益减少的食物份额和生存空间而争斗的话,战争的升级看来是无法避免的。

    And warfare on a rising scale seems inevitable if too many bodies have to struggle for ever-dwindling shares of food and living space .

  13. 为了在今年年底前能够抽身,他帮助促成了伊拉克战争的升级。

    He helped to escalate the Iraq war in order to get to the place where he could pull out of it by the end of this year .

  14. 美国军方希望避免出现类似于越南战争那样逐步升级的态势。

    The US military wants to avoid the graduated escalation that marked the Vietnam War .

  15. 战争正在逐步升级。

    The war is escalating .

  16. 战争越是升级,它摔得也就越重,失败得也就越惨。

    The more they escalate the war , the heavier will be their fall and the more disastrous their defeat .

  17. 作为缅甸军政府主张缅军在缅甸东部区域的冲突升级,战争规模可能升级。

    As the Burmese regime bolsters its forces in the conflict zones of eastern Burma , the likelihood of disputes escalating increases .

  18. 吉多预计,随着全球经济放缓,这场战争今年将升级,但或许,他会想重新考虑一下美国的情况。

    Guido predicted the war would intensify this year as the world economy slows , but perhaps he might want to take another look at the U.S.

  19. “九·一八”事变之后,随着侵华战争的不断升级,日本又炮制出“满洲国铁道网计划路线大要”。

    With the escalation of its invasion war against China after the " September18th Event ", the Japanese government drafted out " A Gist for the Routes of Manchuria Railway Network " .

  20. 越战发生后,中方通过各种渠道一再向美方发出警示性信息,要求美国不得将战争无限制升级。

    After the outbreak of the Vietnam War , Beijing repeatedly sent signals to Washington through a variety of channels , warning the latter not to pursue an unlimited escalation of the war .

  21. 世界经济全球化的加速发展制约了绝对战争的爆发与升级;

    Economic globalization restricts the burst and upgrade of the rapid absolute war ;

  22. 为此,美加大对越南的干涉和战争,使之升级为特种战争。

    Therefore , America escalated the war to special warfare to reinforce its intervention in Vietnam .

  23. 只是在应对美国从特种战争向局部战争升级时,决策才带有危机处理的性质。

    It was only when the special warfare escalated into regional warfare that the decision-making process could be called crisis management .

  24. 然而,两年之内,地中海的战争呼啸着全面升级,且殖民地反抗军似乎赢得优势。

    However , within two years , the wars in the Mediterranean roared back in full escalation , and the rebelling colonies seemed to be gaining the advantage .

  25. 富国才能强兵,我们必须努力地团结一致,振兴中华;努力防止世界上的局部战争的爆发和升级;党的领导是中国历史的必然选择。

    Therefore , we must make great efforts to unite as one and rejuvenate China ; We ought to try hard to prevent the local wars of the world from breaking out and escalating ; The leadership of the Communist Party is the inexorable choice of Chinese history .

  26. 随着传统战争格局的变化升级,曾经作为战争侦测利器的有源雷达遭遇了应用瓶颈,各种反辐射武器的相继出现,使得传统有源雷达面临着严峻的生存威胁。

    With the change and upgrade of traditional war model , the conventional active radar which functioned as the war detection in the past is suffering from the technology application bottlenecks , because of endless appearance of the anti-radiation weapons , the active radar faces the huge threats to survival .

  27. Escalate:tobecomeormakesthgreater,worse,moreserious,etc(使)逐步扩大,不断恶化,加剧这场交战逐步扩大为全面战争.逐渐增加的保健费用我们不想让战争升级.

    The fighting escalated into a full-scale war . the escalating costs of health care We do not want to escalate the war .