
  1. 在美国调整全球战略部署、加大对亚洲的重视之际,空海一体战(AirSeaBattle)这一作战概念力求在具有战略重要性的区域保持军事优势。

    The AirSea Battle fighting concept aims to maintain military dominance in strategically important areas as the US reconfigures its global outlook more towards Asia .

  2. 然而,空海一体战的发展背景与冷战时期军事学说的发展背景有着天壤之别。

    Yet AirSea Battle is being developed in a different context from its cold war cousin .

  3. 在影响未来20年的政策和战略方面,空海一体战可能扮演同样重要的角色。

    AirSea Battle could have an equally important role in shaping policy and strategy over the next two decades .