
hé chōnɡ tū
  • nuclear conflict
  1. 核冲突将意味着我们所知道的生命的终结。

    Nuclear conflict would spell the end of life as we know it .

  2. 在这样一个世界中,解决核冲突、种族清洗和环境灾难风险的希望何在?

    In such a world , what hope is there of addressing the risks of nuclear conflict , ethnic cleansing and environmental disaster ?

  3. 如果我们真的被卷入一次核冲突或者核战争

    that if we did get engaged in a nuclear confrontation and atomic war ,

  4. 不过,尽管人们的危机感尚未褪去,但无论是福岛核危机还是利比亚冲突,都不太可能扰乱全球能源供应的长期格局。

    Despite the sense of crisis , however , neither Fukushima nor conflict in Libya is likely to disrupt long-term patterns in global energy supplies .

  5. 这一说法有悖于另一种人们普遍接受的观点:即拥有核武器的国家基本上不会遭受袭击,因为相关各方担心,袭击将引发核冲突、从而产生毁灭性的后果。

    The claim runs counter to the widely held view that countries in possession of a nuclear weapon are largely immune to attack , because of the fear that a strike could trigger a nuclear conflict with devastating consequences .