
  • 网络key player
  1. 许多其他球队的核心球员和潜力球员也在受伤,不,这可不是NBA想要的新赛季开启模式。

    Plenty of other teams are missing key players and would-be starters . No , this is not the start the NBA wanted .

  2. 看到他成为阿根廷本周反击战的核心球员时,我仿佛又回到了2008年10月。当时,迭戈·马拉多纳(DiegoMaradona)试图带领阿根廷国家队获得上一届世界杯(WorldCup)冠军,他的尝试时间短暂,而且最终失败。

    Seeing him at the heart of Argentina 's defiance this week takes me back to October 2008 , when Diego Maradona began his brief and ultimately failed attempt to manage the national team to victory at the last World Cup .

  3. 他们在培养核心球员,寻求合适的角色球员。

    They 're developing a core and sorting through roles .

  4. 我们希望你让他们队的几个核心球员受伤。

    We ask that you injure some key players on the other team .

  5. 竞争与合作:足球运动中核心球员领导力提升的偶然与必然

    Competition and cooperation : upgrade leadership of Core players including haphazard and inevitability in Soccer

  6. 诺维茨基的态度给史密斯树立了一个很好的榜样,让他明白一个球队的核心球员应该怎样看待自己。

    Nowitzki 's presence gives Smith a model for how a franchise centerpiece should conduct himself .

  7. 球队中核心球员的被施加铲球的频率要高于其他队员。

    Core players in the team were imposed to tackle the frequency higher than that of other team members .

  8. 特维斯是个伟大的球员,上赛季是他们的核心球员。

    T é vez is such a great player , and was a strong player for them last season .

  9. 我们在几名核心球员缺席的情况下去拉科并且在他们的主场击败了他们。

    We went to Deportivo and turned them over on their own patch with several of our key players missing .

  10. 你越来越成为一个核心球员了,是不是觉得有更多压力来控制比赛呢?

    As you 've developed into one of the key players , do you feel more pressure to control games and dictate play ?

  11. 他需要持球的时间,并能够成为球队的一名核心球员,拥有着有深度的投射能力。

    He demands time on the ball , able to be a playmaker for his side and possesses a proficient shot from deep .

  12. 这时你需要队中核心球员挺身而出,打进决定胜负的一球。

    By now you needed in the team the core player to bravely step forward , to sneak in the decision victory and defeat a ball .

  13. 在几名核心球员缺阵的困难时期,要想完成任务,这将是对他们的职业精神的考验。

    That is a testament to their professionalism in getting the job done during a tricky time in the season in the absence of some key players .

  14. 拉齐奥在赛季初一直无法摆脱伤病的阴影,一些核心球员纷纷倒下,例如斯汤,西维,毛里和克拉罗夫。

    The biancocelesti 's early season has been dogged by the absence of key figures such as Guglielmo stendardo , Sebastiano siviglia , Stefano Mauri and Aleksandar kolorov .

  15. 当然曼联的暴君不可能允许自己的核心球员把拍摄黑帮片放在踢球之前。

    The old tyrant cannot , surely , be mellowing to the point of allowing one of his leading players to put producing gangster movies above winning at Anfield .

  16. 他在曼联确保联赛第二和一个冠军杯自动晋级名额的过程中成为一名核心球员。

    The player had become a vital member of the United side as they looked to secure second place in the Premiership and an automatic route into the Champions League .

  17. 这是我第一次失去还在走向成熟的年轻球员。我很难受。失去你投入了很多的核心球员是让人非常痛苦的。

    For the first time I lost young players , who were reaching maturity . I suffered . It 's painful to lose key men you have invested a lot in .