
jūn pǐn shēnɡ chǎn
  • production of army article
  1. 军品生产和订货应当引进市场竞争机制

    Introduction of market competition mechanism into production and ordering of military products

  2. 世界军品生产和军品贸易的新趋势

    New tendency of world military product production and trade

  3. 基于供应链管理的军品生产安全库存策略研究

    The Safety Stock Tactics in Supply Chain

  4. 军品生产厂房暖通空调设计

    HVAC design of Military Material Workshops

  5. 关于贯彻国军标和军品生产中两个问题的看法和建议

    Two Problems in Implementation of GJB Standards and Production of Military Products Some Ideas About Pricing Management of China 's Military Products

  6. 应逐步推行和完善军品生产订货合同制,取消驻厂军代表制。

    Thecontract system for the military production orders should be graduallypushed forward and perfected , while the system of the resident militaryrepresentative in the factory should be abolished .

  7. 长期以来,我国军品生产定价以计划管理为主,是在保本、低利、免税原则下,实行统一管理、国家定价。

    For a long term , the state governed and planned the military producing and uniformly priced the products on the principle of cost-covering , low margin and free-tax in our country .

  8. 建立了外协品跟踪与管理统一模型,实现对外协品的生产进度、质量信息、库存等信息的实时跟踪,提高了军品生产外协管理质量和效率;

    The tracking management model and quality control model are established , which realized the tracking process to cooperative products ' information , such as quality information 、 inventory information and so on .

  9. 介绍了军品生产厂房的暖通空调设计及其特点,通过某工程实例,强调应根据军品生产厂房的特殊要求,进行方案选择和设备选型。

    This paper mainly tells about the features of the heating , ventilation and air conditioning Design of military material workshops It stresses , with an experience , that the choice of the planning and equipments should be suitable to the specified requirements of military material workshops .

  10. 本文从全球经济一体化的角度,分析了世界军品生产和军品贸易的新趋势以及军品市场的特殊性,论述了国际化营销是我国军工企业生存和发展的必然选择的观点。

    This paper analyzes the new trend of world military production and military trade and the characteristics of military market from the view of global economy , and discusses the viewpoint that international marketing is the inevitable choice for survival and development of our national military industry enterprise .

  11. 引入市场机制,加快军品科研生产管理体制改革

    Enhancing the Systematic Reform in the Management of Scientific Research and the Production of Military Products by Introducing Marketing Mechanism

  12. 军代表制度是国家对军品研制生产实行监管约束的一项重要制度。

    Military representative system is one of the most important systems for the country to supervise and restrict the invention and production of military products .

  13. 本文研究了价值工程在国防领域应用的理论,对军品的生产研制过程作了新的阶段划分,并论述了国防价值工程在各个阶段的作用。

    This paper studies the theory of appling value engineering to the realm of nation defence , makes a new stage division on the ordnance-developing process , and presents the function of nation defence value engineering in each stage .

  14. 在建构哑铃型军工经济结构过程中,我国军工工业可以借助国际上出现的虚拟经营方式,建立小核心、大协作、寓军于民的军品科研生产体系。

    Characterized as " minor core , wide cooperation , integration of military and civilian industries ", military scientific research and production system could be founded in constructing the dumbbell-shaped structure of military industries through virtual management , which is now being used in the international field .

  15. 对我国军品价格管理改革的理性思考军品科研生产中的知识产权保护

    A research of the knowledge property right protection in the scientific research and production of military products

  16. 现行的军品价格管理存在诸多问题,导致国家、军队和军品生产企业之间的矛盾越来越突出。

    Current pricing management of military products causes many problems that may lead to sharper contradictions among them .

  17. 本文分析了军工产品生产外协管理现状,针对军品外协制造过程的特点,总结了敏捷供应链基础理论和AHP决策方法,为军品生产外协研究提供了理论基础。

    According to the character of military productions ' manufacturing , the theory of agile supply chain and AHP is investigated , which provides the research fundamental .