
  • 网络Military Psychology
  1. 军人战斗精神是军事心理学的核心概念之一。

    The fighting spirit is one of the central concepts of military psychology .

  2. 美国军事心理学的发展与运用

    Development and Application of American Military Psychology

  3. 军人的心理素质是军事心理学的重要研究课题。

    The psychological quality of military personnel is an important research topic in military psychology .

  4. 主要结论如下:1.军事心理学是一个研究领域广阔而复杂的应用学科。

    Here are the main conclusions of this study : 1 . Military Psychology is an applied science with broad and complex fields .

  5. 军事心理学研究在我国虽然起步晚,但80年代中期发展很快。

    The study on military psychology in China , though it has started quite late , enjoyed a fast development in the middle of 1980s .

  6. 士气是军事心理学的核心概念之一,最早起源于古代哲学家、军事家对军事行为的反思。

    The military morale is one of the central concepts of military psychology , Which originates from the reflection to military action of ancient philosophers and militarist .

  7. 第一次世界大战以来,美国军事心理学发展迅速并广泛地应用于军事领域,从人员选拔、训练绩效、战斗士气以及心理健康等方面促进了部队战斗力的提高。

    American military psychology has developed rapidly and been applied abroad to military fields , such as personal recruitment , training performance , fighting sprits and mental health since the First World War , which has improved the army 's battle effectiveness .

  8. 编制陆军义务兵生活事件问卷(简称LEI-CSLA),为义务兵心理干预、部队科学管理和军事医学心理学研究提供一个有效的测评工具;

    To develop a Life Events Inventory for Compulsory Servicemen of Land Army ( LEI-CSLA ) for psycho-medical study of armymen , administration of military units and psychological intervention , ( iii ) .

  9. 近年来,多个体系统在计算机、人工智能、通信工程、交通控制、军事演习、社会心理学以及电子商务等领域的广泛应用,使得多个体系统的一致性在诸领域中成为研究热点。

    In recent years , multi-agent systems are widely used in the fields of computers , artificial intelligence , communications , communication engineering , traffic control , military exercises , social psychology , as well as e-commerce . Therefore the consensus of multi-agent systems becomes research focus in those areas .

  10. 军事应激反应的重要性,不仅在于它的军事医学心理学意义,还在于它的军事意义,因为战斗应激性卫生减员的预防和处理是否得当,可以影响士气和战斗力。

    The importance of military stress reaction lies not only in its significance of military medical psychology but also in its military significance , for whether fighting stress causing noneffectives is properly prevented and handled influences morale and combat effectiveness .

  11. 本研究采用通过关键词频分析法,对1980~2009年国际军事测量学会的文献进行分析,以期获得军事心理学研究的主要研究领域,以及各研究领域的热点问题和变化趋势。

    In this study , in order to explore the major field and the developmental tendency of military psychology , literatures which are collected from the conference of the International Military Testing Association from 1980 to 2009 are analyzed with the word frequency analysis method of key words .

  12. 军事人员训练、军事职业工作分析、测量理论和技术等方面是军事心理学研究的重要问题,但在军事心理学研究领域的比重呈现下降的趋势。

    Military personnel training , job analysis of military occupational , measurement theory and technology , are important issues of military psychology , but the proportions of these fields are decreasing .

  13. 军事人员心理选拔、军事领导和组织行为、军事临床心理等方面越来越受到军事心理学研究者的重视。

    Increasing attention is paid to psychological selection of military personnel , military leadership and organizational behavior , military clinical psychology . 3 .