
jūn yònɡ wén shū
  • military writ
  1. 提出和实现了一套基于自然语言理解的军用文书到标绘图智能转换的解决方案。

    The solution expatiated in this thesis realizes the intelligent change from military writ to military plotting with natural language understanding ( NLU ) and information extraction ( IE ) techniques .

  2. 用NLP技术实现军用文书自动生成系统设计

    Design of Automatic Generation System for Military Documents With NLP Technology

  3. 基于NLP的军用文书自动生成系统建模

    Automatic Generation System Modeling of Military Document Based on NLP

  4. 基于关键字语法规则的军用文书识别系统设计

    Design of Military Document Recognition System Based on Syntax Rules of Keyword

  5. 一种基于本体的军用文书理解系统设计

    Design of Military Document Understanding System based on Ontology

  6. 文章研究了对具有代表性的炮兵群火力方案军用文书的实用战斗模型、推理规则和控制策略。

    This paper deals with the practical battle model , reasoning rules and control strategies of the artillery groups firepower scheme , which is a representative of military writs in the artillery army .

  7. 军用文书包括平时文书和作战文书,是军队各级领导机关行使职能,实施指挥和管理部队的重要工具和基本手段。

    Military document , including the usual document and operational document . It is an important tool and basic means with which military organs play their roles , direct battles and manage troops .