
  1. 20世纪初俄国的军事潜力

    The Military Potentiality of Russia in the Early 20th Century

  2. 到明清时,南方表现出军事潜力。鸦片战争以后,军事重心移往中国南方。

    After the Opium War the military focus shifts to the south .

  3. 在机械手臂的例子上,其军事潜力显而易见。

    In the case of the robot hand , its military potential is clear .

  4. 长时间的消耗也使日本的军事潜力无法继续将战争支撑下去;

    Long-time injuries and deaths make Japan 's military strength unable to continue supporting the war .

  5. 早些时候俄罗斯对北约的决定做出回应称,其将重组武装力量以加强军事潜力和部队调动。

    Russia has earlier responded to the NATO decision , saying that it will reorganize its armed forces to strengthen military potential and troop mobility .

  6. 本文注意到航天活动反映了从事该活动的国家的科技实力、工业水平、军事潜力乃至国民动员能力。

    The author observes that spaceflight project reflects the scientific level , industry capability , military potentials of the country involved , even the mobilizing ability on the masses .

  7. 机载低频超宽带合成孔径雷达(UWBSAR)具有穿透叶簇和浅地表实现对隐蔽目标成像的能力,能够对宽幅面、大场景区域进行远距离侦察,军事应用潜力巨大。

    Airborne ultra-wideband synthetic aperture radar ( UWB SAR ) working in low frequency band can produce fine images of concealed targets with the capability of penetrating the foliage and the earth surface to reconnoitre wide-range scene , which is very valuable for military purpose .

  8. 国家战略对军事经济潜力增长的影响

    National strategy and how it affects potential growth of military economy

  9. 超宽带新体制雷达的军事应用潜力及局限

    The Applications and Disadvantages of the New System UWB Radar

  10. 论国民收入分配在军事经济潜力形成中的作用

    Influences of distribution of national income on the formation of military economic potentiality

  11. 这些问题包括:纳米技术明显的军事应用潜力可能挑起新一轮的军备竞争,极大的军事消耗会造成资源危机;

    These issues concerns : the potential of nanotechnology 's military application will enkindle a new round of arms race , and the great military consumption will induce resource crisis ;